A Postcard from Dacey

26 Responses to A Postcard from Dacey

  1. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Oh wow, this is an old article! o.o I keep getting redirected to it whenever I make a post on the forums, for whatever reason ,XD

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Me too.. XD It’s making me wonder who this mysterious “Darcy” is. It mostly just makes me think of the book “Pride and Prejudice” XD

    • Springshimmer says:

      Ayy, I just got redirected here as well! XD That is quite funny how that happened!

    • ilovemoonie says:

      Oh, hey! I thought I was the only one being redirected here, but I guess not! ;P I’ve actually been sent here several times, but this is the first time I noticed y’all’s comments… XD But yeah…I have no idea what this article is even about X’D

  2. NARROWGATE says:

    looks cool

  3. Harrypotterrocks says:

    I want to go scuba diving, I wonder if there is a hawaii in webkinz world . . .


  4. Boba says:

    I’m sure the instructor is excited to be teaching a famous movie star. :P

  5. live*laugh*love=happiness says:

    I’ve always wanted to go to a beach cuz I’ve never been to one yet. I hope you have fun Dacey!!!!!!!! Also, I’ll add you lillyluvie cuz this isn’t my real user name. My real one starts with a k.

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