50 Ways to be a Great Friend





1.       Share your chocolate bar
2.       Let them go first on the slide
3.       Save them a seat on the bus
4.       Let them choose the movie you see
5.       Keep their secrets safe
6.       Babysit their pet while they’re on vacation
7.       When they sleep over, let them take the bed
8.       Sit quietly and watch when they’re playing a single player video game
9.       Give them an honest opinion when they’re trying on new clothes
10.   Make them a CD of songs you think they’d like
11.   Lend them your favorite book
12.   Make them a one of a kind card on their birthday
13.   Help them study for a big test
14.   Apologize if you’ve had a fight, even when you think you’re right
15.   Let them lick the bowl when you bake cookies
16.   Hold the door for them
17.   Tell them you love their singing – even if you don’t
18.   Make a picnic for you to share
19.   Send them a letter via KinzPost
20.   Listen to their problems without passing judgment
21.   Keep a photo of them on your bulletin board
22.   Help them clean their room
23.   Make them a friendship bracelet
24.   Make them laugh
25.   Include them in your plans
26.   Let them have the last piece of pizza
27.   Ask for their help when you need it
28.   Bring them their homework when they’re sick
29.   Try their favorite sport
30.   Share your umbrella
31.   Display their artwork on your wall
32.   Don’t talk about them behind their back
33.   Be yourself around them
34.   Be on time
35.   Volunteer your time for a cause that is important to them
36.   Remember their birthday
37.   Be on their side
38.   Encourage them to make smart choices
39.   Call them or email them often
40.   Laugh at their jokes – even the corny ones
41.   Be respectful to their family
42.   Play by the rules
43.   Pay attention to their interests
44.   Take care of their things when you borrow them
45.   Be open-minded
46.   Trust them with your secrets
47.   Spend time outdoors with them
48.   Forgive their mistakes
49.   Throw them a surprise party
50.   Be there for them when they need you

What are YOUR top friendship tips?










30 Responses to 50 Ways to be a Great Friend

  1. webkinzgirl19 says:

    Why would you tell them you love they’re singing if you don’t? You should be honest with you’r friends. :) But don’t tell them you don’t like it meanly. You could just say what you REALLY think then, tell them how to make it better.

  2. Time Bandit says:

    In for Boston ROCKs. Well, I know one I’m certaintely good at.(one of the reasons I have the callname Time Bandit) Be on time!

  3. Anberlin says:

    Um some of those i DO NOT agree with. And some are just weird. And some are good. And some are pretty obvious.
    Anyways, thanks anyways, aaannnd i guess that’s it.

    “I’m tiered of traitors, always changing sides. They were friends of mine…” -Bright Eyes

  4. taylor82099 says:

    AWESOME!!!!!!! :)

  5. PineTreeLane says:

    Really great advice!!! just think how cool it would be if everybody was that nice to EVERYBODY :)

  6. Amethyst Sparkle says:

    Nice! Great way to wrap up Friendship Month. I’ll be sure to use some of them. ~Amethyst Sparkle ♫♦♥♦♥♫

  7. Firestar says:

    wow! that is a lot of things. :0

  8. myfreeworld says:

    WOW! That is a lot of reosons. Hey, did anyone see todays episode of ‘WordGirl’ ? I did. I LOVE wordgirl.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I wish my friend would read these she needs them lol

  10. sparklegirlLT says:

    Those are all great ones! :) Also always be honest.

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