A GREAT Snack!

What you need: Grapes, cheese
What you do:

1.       Wash the grapes.

2.       Pat the grapes dry.

3.       Slice the cheese.

4.       Put the grapes and cheese on a plate.

5.       Enjoy!

224 Responses to A GREAT Snack!

  1. dogdays13 says:

    what kind of hint i need to know?????????????????????

  2. HUGAPUG says:

    This one is really hard. Why is the word “GREAT” capitalized.? Is that a clue?

  3. Ivy says:

    hmm…..It’s very easy to see that it’s a recipe clue! ;)

  4. mamakins says:

    Well I am stumped! I have seen the following foods hidden in messages this weekend: Cheeses, green grapes, pancakes, cookies, white rice, waffles, baked beans. I have tried these foods in all combination’s on stove, blender and sandwich maker. The only thing I have made is Bean Burrito with baked beans, cheeses and pancakes on the sandwich maker.

    • Shasta says:

      Uh, where in the world did you get the baked beans and cookies from?!

      Plus White rice and waffles were YESTERDAYS dish, and I think they solved it,

      So now it’s cheese, grapes, and pancakes! How do you make a recipe with that?!

  5. stargirl1 says:

    I got it! I got it! I got it! It was soooo easy!

  6. frends09 says:

    its not in the recipe! I tried to figure it out with these ingrideients but it didnt quite work out

  7. Natalie says:

    I think this is a recipe clue. I tryed mixing grapes and cheese and cookies (because of the MAZIN hamster add it had cookies on it and I underdlined it. It said cookies) and I mixed all kinds of stuff and all I got was gunk! GUNK! ALL GUNK! All the food adds and clues, all GUNK! I NEED HELP NOW PLEASE!

  8. Natasha says:

    So it’S pancakes and green grapes and/or cheese

  9. Ivory says:

    Hmm…. I think it part of a recipe- do not know which . But if it is-is it the cheese or grapes or both ? ? ? And yes it is getting way harder. HmmI if anyone finds out anything let me know!

    • Mudstar says:

      I think it’s Bean Burrito. Pancakes from the Kinzville Academy Clue, Cheese from this one, and the Chili post was a clue to use Baked Beans. Put it all together in a sandwhich maker and you get Bean Burrito. :D

  10. webkinz user says:

    I think that this has something to do with the recipe hunt.I don’t know what it is but i’m pretty sure.

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