A GREAT Snack!

What you need: Grapes, cheese
What you do:

1.       Wash the grapes.

2.       Pat the grapes dry.

3.       Slice the cheese.

4.       Put the grapes and cheese on a plate.

5.       Enjoy!

224 Responses to A GREAT Snack!

  1. Lololololololololololol says:

    It can’t be pizza eggs and pancakes, that has been a recipe for a while now. it is something else……

  2. Alexander says:

    It seems like we are just randomly guessing without having facts or articles to back up our guesses. So far the articles “Crazy for Key Craze” “Great Snack” and “Have you Geen Griddling?” are the ones that are most likely real clues.
    From the Key Craze article, beans or cookies seem to be hinted about.
    From “Great Snack” cheese and grapes are given as a possible clue.
    From the Griddling article, pancakes seem to be implied.
    We need to take all clues into account, see what works and what doesn’t, THEN make guesses based on facts.
    Thanks! A.D.

  3. blackheart66 says:

    GREAT MEANS GRATE!!!!!! Like grate grapes into jelly!!!!!!!

  4. lbfrogger25 says:

    Oh please stop publishing NATALIE’s comments. Rich and deluxe…come on! Begging like shes doing should not be permitted. Thank you

    • NATALIE says:


      • CtPG says:

        HEY! No need to act wacko!

        And if you DO have a deluxe, you have more things than us non deluxe people have, wouldn’t it mean we should have the pets? We can’t get special deals so for us this is a chance in a LIFETIME..

        • NATALIE says:

          I don’t act strange and my deluxe account expired. But I still have so of the deluxe stuff I got though. So now I’m a NON DELUXE person like you and your little buddies that are worthless! But I’m not completly worthless yet! Because I still have some deluxe stuff so, HA! You guys are worthless and weird. And by the way, since I’m a NON DELUXE person now don’t I desirve the pets? YOU SAID IT YOUR SELF! NON DELUXE PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE THE PETS! I’M A NON DELUXE PERSON! HA AGAIN!

  5. Lisa says:

    I think it is the bean burrito made with cheese, pancakes, and baked beans in the sandwich maker
    cheese – mentioned in article “a great snack”
    pancakes- mentioned in article “have you been griddling?”
    baked beans – chili which is made with baked beans in the article “crazy for key craze”
    what do you guys think?

  6. Kenny says:

    February 20, 2011 at 9:20 pm
    How do you know I didn’t steal the secret stove that cooks the real recipies?
    Nafaria reads what we write! What if Nafaria takes the webkinz? Help!

  7. webkinz user says:

    Could it be two recipes – bean burrito and bouncaleafulls?

  8. Kenny says:

    I got it! It is: Pancakes, eggs, and pizza.

  9. Missy says:

    Pancakes + Cheeses + Baked Beans = Beanie Burrito

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