A Surprise for Hailey!

You won’t believe what happened to me today! I was working in the studio and I was just about to close up for the day when the phone rang. It was some guy whose voice sounded kind of familiar but it was very deep and the line seemed very crackly. He asked if I had filled the role of the designer that I had advertised for earlier in the month. I explained that I had seen a few designers but that I hadn’t made any firm decisions yet. He asked if he could drop off his portfolio for me to look at because he was very interested in the position. When I told him that I was just leaving but that he could drop off his portfolio tomorrow morning, he said he was just around the corner and he’d really appreciate it if I could hold on for just five minutes. It was driving me crazy trying to figure out where I knew his voice from, so I said sure, because I was curious to see if I recognized this guy.

Two minutes later there was a knock at the door and when I opened it you will never guess who was standing there, holding his portfolio! It was my brother, Elwin! He had been trying to put on a fake voice when he called me, but I knew I knew that voice!

And guess what? He’s decided that life as a pop star just isn’t for him. He’s heading home for good and he’s coming back to work in our studio!

I’m so happy! My brother is back home where he belongs and I have my business partner back again!






28 Responses to A Surprise for Hailey!

  1. Oo Megan oO says:

    Hurrah! Congrats to both of you! Happy designing! ❀Megan❀

  2. PixarRox25 (Otherwise known as FrancescosFriend) says:

    YAY! The dynamic duo is back togeth-ah! In some ways, I wanted Elwin to enjoy his famous lifestyle, but what would we do without him and his sister working together? Yay again for you guys!

  3. webkinz fasionesta says:

    of course hes back. they wouldnt keep him as a popster its like sending pj collie off to help atre

  4. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    I love it when things work out so that everyone concerned is happy!! Good Luck guys and happy designing1

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!!! Congrats you guys!!!!!

  6. Stealthstorm says:

    Congrats! I’m so glad your both happy! Good choice,Elwin. ;) Warriors Forever and Always, >^..^< Meow! Stealthstorm

  7. tita1101 says:

    Awwww, I’m sooo happy for you guys. :D

  8. sonici says:

    Ha Ha! My Bff Did The Same SAYING The Mail Was Delivering A Package For Me! :)’ **~**Sonici**~**

  9. remorso11 says:

    I thought he was waiting until the tour was done???!!!!!! Remorso11

  10. kathykins says:

    So happy for both of you!!!

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