A Surprising Apology











Hey, it’s Hailey. We just had a crazy visit from Fluffington. We were sitting in our office making up our budget for next year. After Fluffington freaked out about our yard design and we left the project, we realized we couldn’t count on the new clients we were hoping to get from the deal.

But just as we were finishing up there was a knock at the door and when Elwin opened it, there was Fluffington and our friend, Henrietta Hippo. I guess Fluffington and Henrietta are friends too because she told us that he had something to say to us.

Fluffington seemed really nervous, but then he said that he realized that as we were mere commoners like most of the rest of Kinzville, then we probably had a better understanding of what they would like at a party. Um, can you say backhanded compliment? He said he wanted to apologize for freaking out on us and that as he had given us creative control he couldn’t expect us to decorate the house as he would have done it himself, especially as there is no way we could have as elegant a sense of style as a blue blood like himself. Oka-ay…

Then he said he would really appreciate it if we could come back and finish our work and he promises to keep his nose out of it and let us do what we think best.

Elwin and I just looked at each other. On the one hand, it wasn’t exactly the nicest apology we’d ever heard, but he did seem genuinely sorry. So we agreed to come back.

As he was walking out the door, we heard him say to Henrietta, “Well, I think the humble citizens of Kinzville will appreciate having a party decorated by their own kind, don’t you?” Henrietta just looked at us over her shoulder and rolled her eyes.

Sheesh, Fluffington. Get over yourself, would ya?


23 Responses to A Surprising Apology

  1. SapphireSea says:

    At least he sort-of apologized. But I still find him to be quite full of himself and rather annoying.

  2. dune456 says:

    sounds like my uncle!! GO figure

  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    At least he apologized…sort of.

  4. MDIChickadee says:

    Not the best apology, but it may be the first he has ever made, so take it for what it was: an apology and a request for help. Good luck!

  5. corrine says:

    I thought this was about Salley and Stoogles!!!:)

  6. Collecter says:

    I need help! The Challenge treasure hunt isn’t working! I go to the share center for the first clue and a clue doesn’t pop up! Am I going to the wrong place?

  7. Cinderpelt says:

    Great! Good job, Fluffington. And you too, Hailey and Elwin for coming back! But I do suggest that you listen to his ideas, that way he won’t get so worked up about it. Now, Cowabelle NEEDS to stop being greedy and apoligize to Roberta, and Stoogles needs to stop having such a big head and apoligize to Salley. =) Moonstar KrystallKat and LillyLuvie I sent a friend request, my user is playshay6 please accept!


  8. 8clawpaw says:

    Well, go Fluffington! Hailey, Elwin, I know he might seem a little scrooge-y but don’t go to hard! He probably really was sorry on the inside. I’m happy big ‘Kinz like you find it easier to solve these problems!

    But I also hope the ‘Kinz crew can solve their problems too. :P I have a soft side for them.

    • Kodiak...congrats says:

      Aww, I was hoping that this would be Stoogles apoligizing to Salley. :( Oh well. Take that Stoogles as a hint, and Pronto

      • sarahandlacey says:

        You are so right Kodiak! I think Fluffington should quit giving them such a hard time! It is christmas, and I don’t feel the love in kinzville! :roll: The eye roll is for Fluffington! :roll:

        • krystalkat says:

          he could of at least said “im sorry”. I wonder whats bugging him so much. :roll:


          • PikachuHazelNut says:

            It’s Fluffington we’re talking about krystalkat, I don’t think you need to wonder what’s bugging him so much. I remember liking Fluffington, thinking he was cute and very nice. But then I read more stories and just haven’t come to like Fluffington so much. He’s being sour and I didn’t like the story with Aunt Meriweather. He was so selfish :sad:

          • krystalkat says:

            i know its about fluffington but i still dont know why he acts so sour. :( ~KK♥

          • sparklegirlLT says:

            It’s Christmas too. He should lighten up. :)

          • lightpapa says:

            Fluffington just makes it SO clear that he has no idea how to act…

          • sparklegirlLT says:

            At least he tried to make up. It totally should have been Stoogles though.

          • SwedishLatte says:

            Fluffington’s apology was at least genuine. Now if he could just get over himself… :mrgreen:

        • browniemade says:

          i totally agree sarahandlacey! Fluffington should be nice because of the holidays! Kinzville needs to feel a little love at the holidays!!!!!

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