A Sweet Collection


Collecting marshmallows is all the rage this summer in Kinzville! Aside from a grand prize when you collect all 30, you’ll also get smaller prizes along the way. After you get five Marshmallows, you’ll get a Marshmallow Pit. At ten Marshmallows, you’ll get a camping out fit. And at twenty Marshmallows, you’ll get Marshmallow Seeds! Time to start your collection!

38 Responses to A Sweet Collection

  1. ultrasonic says:

    I got the marshmallow seeds today! I should be getting the tent or whatever by Monday.

  2. j3gnight2011 says:

    I just got the camping outfit today. I really want the seeds! I love the cat in the picture too! It’s a signature ragdoll! so sweet! >>cathouse2

  3. goldfishkoi8088 says:

    Im halfway there!

  4. 2emaw2 says:

    I just got the seeds and can’t wait until they grow.

  5. powerplanet2 says:

    im almost at the marsh mellow seeds :)

  6. cstanz says:

    I really like these contests, thank you Ganz. I, too, should get the grand prize tomorrow, I only need 6 more marshmallows. Friend me cstanz and cstanz2.

  7. amvp says:

    OMG, cool. I only got the first prize so far but i’m going to collect WAY more though. I just got the cat in the picture. Her name’s Bella.

  8. Moonstar says:

    I saw that. I can’t wait to get the Mashmallow Seeds. I love getting rare and eStore seeds. :) Keep doing stuff like this. :) Hey guys, I adopted a Rabbit named Tiffany, she is so cute. -Moonstar◙◙◙

  9. maapye says:

    Thanks for making it possible to get all the prizes without asking friends for stuff during this collection contest!

  10. lovebugs131 says:

    Cool! I only have six more marshmallows to go and i get the grand prize.

    • Moonstar says:

      Getting seeds is so fun. I love growing them. My doc is like exploding with rare seeds and eStore seeds. Do this more often Ganz! :) Hey guys, I just adopted a Webkinz Rabbit. Her name is Tiffany. -Moonstar◙◙◙

      • Chicago Made says:

        I already got the Marshmallow Seeds, and they look sweet. :lol: I have to admit, I like marshmallows. ;) @Moonstar – I agree! And Ganz, please do this more often! :mrgreen: ~Ⓒⓗⓘⓒⓐⓖⓞ◆Ⓜⓐⓓⓔ☠

        • Rainbow Waterfall*... Changing to Rainbow Waters* says:

          I haven’t gotten the Marshmallow Seeds (yet), but I, (Like @Moonstar and @Chicago Made) like rare seeds. I don’t have eStore, so I don’t have those seeds. @Moonstar- I like growing them too- but I never water them, just rake when I have weeds. I hope Ganz makes a Fall-themed challenge like this, (possibly leaves?) and a Winter one. Keep them coming Ganz! ◙◘◙ Rainbow Waters ◙◘◙ P.S- @Chicago Made- did you change your signature? I like it! :mrgreen:

          • Moonstar says:

            Hi Rainbow Waters. Nice name. :) I havn’t gotten them either, but I will. I also do the same, watering them is a waste of time in my opinion, and just raking them never hurts them. Great idea for the leaves! For winter they could do something like snowflakes, or snowmen or something like mittens and caps. Nice signature, Chicago Made. Hey, guys, do you think I should change my signature from ◙◙◙ to ΦΦΦ ? -Moonstar◙◙◙/ΦΦΦ

          • Strawberry Starburst says:

            U should Moonstar. Like the new sig Chicago Made. $Strawberry_ P.S. Should I keep the usual long sig or this sig?

        • nihao9 says:

          I finished my collection! I love the Campkinz Tent! It looks great in my camping room! And also thanks to my great friends who helped me out too, and the help of E-store too! Your Friend nihao9! P.S….I love your new signature @CM! It looks awesome! ;)

      • The green ninja. . . from the dojo says:

        Cool beans! I’m USUALLY in a dojo…. but……. ocasonally i’m at home. you know us ninjas! we train tons! LOL! I wish I HAD a NORMAL bunny…. i have a COTTON CANDY bunny. Some say i’m lucky! But not me! I collected ALL the marshmellows! P.S Seeds are fun to grow! P.S.S i’m in the dojo garden meditating. THE GREEN NINJA, OUT!

    • Stargazer says:

      This is such an awesome event for the summer! :lol: I just want to say thanks to all my amazing friends who are helping me collect enough marshmallows to win the ultimate prize! :mrgreen: :D @Moonstar, I really like collecting the seeds too! I have the lollipop seeds from the last collection event and I’m really close to getting the marshmallow seeds- thanks to my friends ;) – I also really want the doughnut seeds that you can get with the pet of the month. -Stargazer P.S. @CM, love the new sig! ;)

    • puffthemagicdragon says:

      thuis one was so easy !!!! :) :) :) :) I got the grand prize in less than four days !!!!!

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