Fun from Science Camp!

Dear Mom,

I know that I said I didn’t want to go when you first mentioned it but I am sure glad I did because Booger and I are having a great time at Science Camp! It’s cool having a friend from home to hang out with while I’m here and Booger knows all about science so he helps me out with our experiments.

We just finished a project today that was so much fun! We made a volcano! You know when you mix baking soda and vinegar and you get this really wild reaction? Well, the counselors challenged us to come up with the most realistic looking volcano. Both the volcano and the lava were supposed to look real so Booger and I spent hours building our mountain out of paper maché and then we painted. Booger is all about research so he downloaded lots and lots of pictures of real volcanoes and I added the detail to ours really carefully with a tiny paintbrush.

Then, the really hard part was coming up with the right mixture for the lava that would look like real lava. Booger had the idea to mix equal parts of white glue and water with and red food coloring. Then he added a bit of borax to the mixture to thicken it and finally added the baking soda.  When we poured in the vinegar this thick red goop came oozing out! It looked just like a real volcano!

And guess what? We won the challenge! The counselors said our volcano was the best so we get to choose dessert tonight! We’re thinking sundaes!

Gotta go – it’s time for a swim at the beach.

Miss you lots,


29 Responses to Fun from Science Camp!

  1. Webkinz User says:

    woo hoo! MANY A GOOD JOB! iron sharpens iron, i once said. Your minds sharpen each other!

  2. doglover says:

    that sounds so fun congrats!~doglover

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