Adventure Park Peek-A-Newz!

We’re all pretty excited about Adventure Park and we want to celebrate! Log in to Peek-A-Newz from the front page and find Roberta 5 times each day between 12:00am EST on August 18 until 11:59pm EST on September 2 to collect pieces of three Webkinz Newz exclusive Adventure Park outfits!


Each day runs from 12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST. Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day. Prize will be a random item from the prize pool. Some items are more rare than others.

303 Responses to Adventure Park Peek-A-Newz!

  1. makayla says:

    like the place

  2. Webkinz Member says:

    What an awsome contest!!! Hey anyone want to be friends, I throw a ton of parties. LOVE EM User is 198516 hope you win.

  3. Ruby says:

    Wow! To cool! There is only one problem…I don’t know how to enter!

  4. mary8282 says:


  5. kayla says:

    i love webkinz world but i do not play it so much ho wants to be my friend on webkinz if you want its bubby5277

  6. peace says:

    cool i NEED to check out adventure park!!!

  7. caseygirl19 says:

    yay roberta rocks:)

  8. 1stella23 says:

    no I hope I win !!!!!

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