Alex’s Trick

Okay, this was supposed to be a really funny day but it didn’t exactly turn out the way I had planned. Because I knew that ghosts are not real and there was no way that old shipwreck by the shore could possibly be haunted. So I decided to set up this fake ghost to scare my friends. I told them that I had an idea to draw out the ghost and that they should meet me at the ship. I hid on the ship’s deck under a sheet with a couple of eyes cut out. When I heard my friends getting closer, I stood up with the sheet over me and in a low voice I called out “Spaaarkyyyy!” At first they all screamed then I think they immediately realized it was just a trick and they started to laugh. But then, all of a sudden they stopped laughing and just stood, speechless, staring at me. Everyone’s mouth was hanging open and from behind me I heard a very deep voice rasp out “My love, is that you?” just as I saw two white, wispy arms encircle me from behind. As the arms closed in on me I felt a chill go through me. I thought I was going to be trapped by those arms, but after a slight, cold tug on the sheet – I was able to run right through them! What the heck??? I flew over the side of the boat and my friends and I all ran and didn’t stop running until we got right back into the center of Kinzville. I think it’s actually true! I think the whole story about the Ghost Pirate and his lost love is for real!

20 Responses to Alex’s Trick

  1. cathouse2 says:

    It sounds like a ghost. Alex, keep it up! >>cathouse2

  2. peacockgirl says:

    I don’t know why everyone is so scared by this ghost! It is just an online site!

  3. NittanyElephant says:

    No way, I didn’t ever know about this tale!

  4. Starburst Swirl says:

    Cool! Webkinz World should turn these stories about the Kinz into webisodes! That would be awesome! **Starburst Swirl**

  5. zeph317 says:

    I think Ms. Stripes is behind it all, showing her class she is a good sport and having a little fun of her own at the same time.

  6. yarnir says:

    Wow that’s a little weird and scary. I hope the ghost will find his true love if its real or something like that.

  7. lightpapa says:

    I hope the ghost pirate finds his lost love, if there is any.

  8. splice239 says:

    Purrcilla did it!

  9. JoJo the 2nd says:

    WOW! Scary!

  10. Bostonterriersrule says:

    uhhhhhhhhhhh, anyone else think the whole haunted boat story they’ve been doing is kind of weird? I mean really! I don’t believe in this stuff

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