Alex Writes Home: The Prankster Strikes Again










Dear Mom,

I can’t believe it! The prankster has struck again! Who’s the prankster? Someone who’s been playing tricks on us…well, actually, only one of us. Sparky. First, they put pepper into his milk. Then last night, they did something almost as bad (maybe worse?).

We were out on a long hike and everyone was having a blast. When we arrived back at our cabins, we were SO tired. We all just wanted to crawl into bed. So we did…except as soon as Sparky got into his bed, he jumped right back out.
Someone had put sand and gravel in his sheets – yuck! Even worse, there were a few bugs in there. Sparky was not too pleased – he had to change his whole bed before he could even go to sleep. And we were all SOOO tired already.

I helped sweep the cabin (the prankster left a huge mess when they were pulling the prank), and as I swept, I noticed something: a white feather.

I don’t know if this has anything to do with the prankster, because we’ve got an awesome new dude in our cabin named Arnold – and he happens to be a duck. So…maybe it was just one of his (although he does keep his feathers trimmed short, and this feather was longer). Anyway, I don’t know who’s doing these things – but it’s really annoying! Poor Sparky – he doesn’t even know WHY anyone would target him. One thing’s for sure: we’ll be keeping a REALLY good eye on him from now on!

See you soon!

-          Alex

39 Responses to Alex Writes Home: The Prankster Strikes Again

  1. KittyKat says:

    Okay, it’s gotta be Ivy. She’s a duck. She’s got long feathers. And she sits at a table all by herself. the only question is, why would she do that? 

  2. Fatima says:

    poor Sparky !!

  3. bebe331 says:

    I feel bad for sparky. Iwant to know what happens next!!

  4. ice-cream♥♥♥ says:

    I’m new at posting coments but love doing it! I wonder who the prankster is??? And why would he be mean to sparky??

  5. marissa says:

    like so game fun enjoy

  6. *~**Coolgirl27965**~* says:

    Aww, poor Sparky :( .
    Why would someone do this to poor Sparky? It’s terrible! If someone did that to me, I would NOT be happy! Anyway Sparky, hope you’s catch that prankster soon.


  7. miamypup says:

    Oh poor sparky! is purr-cilla at that camp? maybe she was wearing some feathery outfit to trick sparky into thinking it was arnold who did that so she can’t be blamed just a guess.

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