All About Weather












By Alex Tiger

Goober told me that there are scientists that study weather systems called Meteorologists. Meteorologists can actually predict what the weather is going to be like by observing weather in certain areas and tracking it. After years of studying weather patterns, Meteorologists can now guess how and when that weather will travel to other areas. They can also follow the weather using satellites and radar.

Because the earth is round, the sun hits different parts of it in different ways and that causes a wide variation in temperatures. This difference in temperature causes movement in air and water, which is what creates our weather.

Goober says that the water cycle creates rain and snow. The sun heats up water in oceans and rivers which causes the water to evaporate and rise up into the air as vapor. Condensation is when the vapor cools down and forms droplets, which clump together to form clouds. When so much water has condensed that the air can’t hold it anymore, it rains or snows which is called Precipitation. The rain or snow falls back into the water and the whole cycle begins again.


11 Responses to All About Weather

  1. sara says:

    I knew this stuff when i was 8. I LOVE METEOROLOGY, BOTANY AND ASTRONOMY!!!!! Look it up!

  2. Rose says says:

    Weather is my forte and being a meteorologist would be cool :) ;)

  3. Ash says:

    I know the WHOLE water cycle. It’s evaporation, precipitation condensation and infiltration right? Anyways, I’m just like Alex! I’m the smartest girl in class! But I’m NOT shy.

  4. lightpapa says:

    Where I live, there is more rain then snow. Snow is freezing! when we do get it, it is REALLY cold!

    your freezing friend, lightpapa. :)
    P.S, Too bad we only get snow like half of winter.:(

  5. Addict502 says:

    I wanted to be a meteorologist . I’ve always found this stuff interesting. :) I wish they’d do an article on architecture. $~Addict502~$ . . . ♥’s science!

  6. Emeraldleaf says:

    Cool facts Alex Tiger!:)

    ~*Emeraldleaf* :mrgreen: ~

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