Where, Oh, Where Can She Be?

Salley Cat here. So far this has been the freakiest Halloween ever and we haven’t got to the 31st yet! Alex finally believed us that the ghost on the shipwreck is real, but then he wanted to go back again and help the Ghost Pirate! We all said that he was crazy, but he said that if the story was true then we could help reunite him with his lost love and he wouldn’t haunt the shipwreck any more.

Alex, Sparky, Stoogles and I went back to the shipwreck yesterday. It was so creepy. As soon as we got close to it we could hear the sobs of the Ghost Pirate. Alex climbed right up onto the deck and the whole ship started to shake and shudder. Alex called out that he was here to help. After another loud sob, the Ghost Pirate cried out, “I cannot be helped! I am trapped on this ship for eternity!” Alex said that surely something would be able to free the Pirate. He responded that the only thing that could help him is love, but that his love is lost forever.

Then Alex asked him how he lost his love and the Ghost Pirate said that one day while they were out sailing, there was a huge storm and his Princess was swept out to sea. The Ghost Pirate says that he has not seen her since, and he is stuck forever on the shipwreck, chained up by his broken heart to the last place he saw his love.

All of a sudden, with a huge roar of sadness, the Ghost Pirate disappeared back into the ship and the ship shook so violently Alex fell off the deck onto the shore.

I felt so sorry for the Ghost Pirate that for a minute I actually forgot to be scared!

32 Responses to Where, Oh, Where Can She Be?

  1. sarahbearagirl7 says:

    I’ve seen 2 before but I try not to believe in them

  2. meggpie04 says:

    Sorry mr.ghost that you lost you ghostly love :) (:meggpie04:)

  3. zeph317 says:

    I still think Ms. Stripes is involved. I think she is proving she is a good sport and can join in the fun and getting her own fun out of watching the kids’ reactions.

  4. ATeenageWolf says:

    I feel sorry for the poor ghost :( even though he dropped my pets happiness meter down to zero…

  5. *¤Gazing~Galaxy¤* says:

    What kind of voices did you hear, Chicago Made? did it sound scary, or peaceful? did it sound like someone you know?

  6. CoconutCloud says:

    Aw that’s sad! I hope you find your lost love one day, OldPirate! ~CC~

  7. Gabriella♥ says:

    Alex, why did you believe the ghost thing? Your theories were way practical. This could be explained by: mirage. You Kinz were expecting the ghost so much that you just saw him right there. Hallucination. Similar to mirage, first theory. Light tricks. Sunlight trickling onto the ship, through the holes, making an eerie glow reflected by the cobwebs and stuff. ♥Gabriella♥

    • Gypsy says:

      Then how do you explain the voice and what it said? That couldn’t be made up by wind or any other force of nature. Too articulate. If it was anything other than a ghost, it would have to be somebody using a tape recorder to play a prank. Seems a bit elaborate to me.

  8. ***Pink~Kitty*** says:

    Its totally the ghost from the “don’t rock the boat” on vacation island!!!!!!! I thought the ghost would be Priscilla. Well I guess I’m wrong. Did any one else think it would be Priscilla? – ***Pink~Kitty***

  9. hannahmkoenig says:

    poor thing! i hope he finds his lost love!

  10. oldwooffie says:

    OMG!!!! This is interesting….. even IF I don’t believe in ghosts. Sorry I haven’t been posting for a while, I’ve been getting lo9ads of homework. I have four tests last week, three on the same day, and the other the day before those three tests! That was a late-nighter for me.

    • Spac3Techno says:

      I have to admit, ghosts are real. I’ve dealt with paranormal activity before in my friend’s house and my friend told me that he hears lots of noises downstairs when nobody’s down there, which kind of freaks me out, but I do believe in ghosts. And this sounds sad…I feel bad for the ghost pirate. :( -✰Spac3Te☾hn✪✰

      • Chicago Made says:

        @Spac3Techno – Really? Your friend’s house is haunted? One of my friends lives in a haunted house too, and she said that she hears noises in her bedroom and she hears voices. I didn’t believe her until I’ve really heard what she’s been hearing; until I stayed the night at her house one night….I heard voices. It freaked me out! whoever reads this comment, you DON’T have to believe me, but I’m SERIOUSLY telling the truth! And I do believe in ghosts. I feel sad for the ghost pirate. ✖Chicago Made✖

        • Spac3Techno says:

          @Chicago Made – That’s weird…we both have friends who live in old houses that are really haunted. Thanks for telling about that, BTW. It seems kind of interesting, yet I do believe you. I think ghosts and spirits are real and I think I’ll believe that for the rest of my life from what I’ve been hearing from my friend. Really, I think I should experience paranormal activity before I really do belive it, shouldn’t I? I just believe in ghosts and spirits. Anyways, I wonder where the pirate’s princess could really be? :?: -✰Spac3Te☾hn✪✰

          • System Of A Down Chick...Never will believe in ghosts until I experience it says:

            Ghosts are fake, I believe. When I experience paranormal activity, I’ll believe it. So far, I’ve never seen anything of a ghost. @Spac3Techno – Believe in what you want to believe in. Just because you haven’t experienced what your friend has experienced doesn’t mean you shouldn’t believe in it. I think that you should believe in your friend. If a friend of mine was saying something to me about paranormal activity, I’d believe it. My friends haven’t said anything about ghosts or spirits or anything like that. @Chicago Made – Weird. I don’t know if I can believe you. -SOAD Chick

          • stylegirl12 says:

            seriously, people?! come on! all stuff like that could easily be a lie, and for @Chicago Made your friend could have made a cd of creepy voices or whatev, and played it during the night! people lie and do stuff they thinks funny, but isn’t. and you don’t have to believe in anything you have doubts about! that’s your gut telling you there’s something wrong with the picture!!! *stylegirl12*

        • WolfBlazeX says:

          Yeah, its kinda freaky cause one of my friends used to live in an old house that was haunted, and she was friends with the ghost! Its true, seriously! I know from experience because I was over and heard weird voices. ~WolfBlazeX~

        • DragonPrincess says:

          Wouldn’t it be nice if the Kinz could help reunite him with his Princess? I believe in ghosts too. When I was staying at my grandma’s house and was really sick, my grandpa’s ghost came to check on me. It was weird and comforting at the same time! ~DP

      • meggpie04 says:

        Hi @chicago made and @spac3Techno. The .w.w narwal reminds me of the haunted house on the old part of my town. $$$$$meggpie04$$$$$$

    • Estrella says:

      I guess I figure that since Webkinz World is fictional there can be real ghosts there even if there aren’t any here (I’m not sure one way or the other about whether they exist in the real world or not).

    • jennifer says:

      Ghosts and spirits are very real. A ghost is someone who stays in one place because their looking for someone or something. A spirit is a being that comes with us to guide and protect us. A Spirit Guide.

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