Aquarius Retriever Contest Winners

Congratulations to Amanda, Chloe, Cole, Emma and Janet. Their wonderful winter haikus have won them each an eStore exclusive Aquarius Retriever Secret Code!

Read their winning entries below.

Long icicles hang
Shimmering like the fresh snow
The whole world glitters.

- Amanda

All the leaves are gone
Trees are blanketed with snow
Laughter can be heard

- Chloe

Snowflakes are falling,
Icicles are hanging cold,
Winter is calling.

– Cole

Snowflakes floating down
I shiver in my big coat
All of us are cold

– Emma

Snows erase the land
A white page waiting for spring
To colour new life.

- Janet


104 Responses to Aquarius Retriever Contest Winners

  1. amanda says:

    weirdly enpough, i think i made the poem made by Amanda, although i never got a code……. what should i do? im almost positive i did!

  2. bluebird98 says:

    this is very important


  3. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    a…k? Huh? What do you mean?

  4. Animal21 says:

    I love Janet’s poem! It’s so pretty! XD

  5. hippolover223 says:

    those are not haikus, sorry. A haiku is suppose to have five sylabols in the first and last sentences and seven in the middle……………..these are all nice…but they are not correct……..i know, i just done a leeson on poems in school……………….sorry…. here is a winter haiku

    As the first flake falls
    We gather around for warmth and watch
    Winter has cast her spell

  6. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    Fishier fish oh I hope they are posting your comments maybe it’s like blufadoodle and they wouldn’t post your comments.

  7. blu502 says:

    I wish I would have won! It’s so cool and i can’t use estore. Mine said:
    Snowflakes falling down
    They say catch me if you can
    Join the webkinz cheer

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