Aquarius Retriever Contest Winners

Congratulations to Amanda, Chloe, Cole, Emma and Janet. Their wonderful winter haikus have won them each an eStore exclusive Aquarius Retriever Secret Code!

Read their winning entries below.

Long icicles hang
Shimmering like the fresh snow
The whole world glitters.

- Amanda

All the leaves are gone
Trees are blanketed with snow
Laughter can be heard

- Chloe

Snowflakes are falling,
Icicles are hanging cold,
Winter is calling.

– Cole

Snowflakes floating down
I shiver in my big coat
All of us are cold

– Emma

Snows erase the land
A white page waiting for spring
To colour new life.

- Janet


104 Responses to Aquarius Retriever Contest Winners

  1. Emma says:

    My heart skipped a beat when I saw the name Emma… but it wasn’t me. :(

  2. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    I can’t decide who is my favorite….either Emma’s or Janet’s.

  3. jjaleegg says:

    WHAT KIND OF PETS DO U HAVE GRMLOL? IM jjale and i have a snowy owl, tawny pup, bubblegum cheeky cat, artic fox, iberian lynx, two rabbits, and a husky. ADD ME. Hope i can see you in webkinz ( maybe). =P

  4. ranlove223 says:

    Congrats winners!! who here has ever won any webkinz newz contest?? I will start I have won one PLEASE continue :)

  5. Bluepeso says:

    The first comment thing is annoying! Who cares about being first anyway?

  6. Alec says:

    Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Rise Against, Skilet, Megadeth, Muse, and Dragonforce.
    I also wanted to win, but congrats to the winners! i’ll probably win one some time!

  7. Sassy16 says:

    Cool haikus… I have an idea!!! Lets talk about our favorite bands!!!! I’ll start… My favorite bands are Three Days Grace, Papa Roach, Breaking Benjamin, Zebrahead, Linkin Park, Seeter, and Rise Against!! :) :D What are your favorites?

  8. Ryan says:

    I was really hoping to win this!! Oh well, congrats to the winners :) :)

  9. Tinkerbell says:

    Meow girl, not to put you in a bad mood or anything, but those are the winners, so they get the aquaris retriever. (Not you.) Oh yeah and SECOND COMMET!!!!! :D

    • KittyKat says:

      TinkerBell, just so you know, a comment like that can easily crush someone else’s spirit. There are nicer ways of conveying your message, and there is a LARGE difference between wanting a retriever and thinking mistakenly you are getting one. Meow girl, I think that the aquarius retriever will be available soon or it is even still available, so if you want one and you have an eStore account, I think you can easily purchase it! :-) 

  10. meow girl says:

    !!!FIRST COMMENT!!! I want one!

    • calicokitten says:

      What is up with this first comment thing?
      Congratulations to ya’ll that won!

      • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

        Fishyier whoops sorry wrong spelling Fishier fish you here though I bet you are busy right now?

      • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

        Oh I hope they are posting your comments Fishier fish or will and it won’t be like blufadoodle where they wouldn’t post them. :(

        • Fishier fish says:

          I’m sorry I thought we were just going too comment here when the Blufadoodle thing was gone. I’m glad I looked here!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Well we agreed to meet here but that’s fine if you forgot i figured that it was like when they changed the webkinz newz, where they wouldn’t post your comments!! Hello! And congrads on your new webkinz! You have 2 signatures now, right?

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            But the blufadoodle is gone!!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Or at least, on my computer it shows that the blufadoodle is gone.

          • Fishier fish says:

            I have 3 Sig. Webkinz. ( But I only paid for 1 ) Hee hee!

          • Fishier fish says:

            The Blufadoodle page is not gone for me. Hmmmmm… Thats fine though I’ll just comment here!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            THE BLUFADOODLE ISN’T GONE FOR YOU???????? OH MY GOSH THAT’S WEIRD. It is totally gone for me, it isn’t even just on a different page.
            Huh. Well I’m glad you found me! That is just real weird. But when I stop commenting at the Aquarus retriever, that will most likely mean that it is gone for me, so look for me at the camo rhino. For when I have dissapeared at aquarus retriever.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            GOSH GANZ THIS IS THE 6TH TIME I HAD TO TRY TO SEE IF I COULD SUBMIT MY COMMENT WITHOUT YOU SAYING “YOU ARE POSTING COMMENTS TO QUICKLY SLOW DOWN”. And when I re-type my message then it says that I already said that. GRRRRRRRR. I checked out the fake fishier fish. Fake fishier fish sounds unfriendly. You are friendly real fishier fish. Up above or either below is my other message.

      • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

        Well Fishier fish I bet you will see this message even if you can’t post comments, (either that or you are jus busy) but anyway Hello and Ganz are announcing a billion contests (yes I exaggerate a lot) so soon the Aquarus retriever is gonna be gone! When it is gone, should we go to the Camo Rhino? I guess so, you might not be able to answer.

        • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

          Hello again. Maybe you should try commenting like, everywhere and I will look almost everywhere for you, Fishier fish. But who knows, maybe all spots won’t work for you.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Fishier fish! I saw that you adopted a Signature Labradoodle and Cinnamon Dachshund! Say hi to them for me. I will send you another gift soon.
            You have 2 signatures now! Unless there are others on your other account.

          • Fishier fish says:

            Well I have to do my math so I’ll comment to you in a little!

        • Fishier fish says:

          Yes when this is gone we can comment on the Camo Rino’s comment bord. When you said we should comment at the Aqurius Retriever’s comment bord I thought we were going too after the Blufadoodlr thing was gone but now I understand.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Look a little ways above for my message.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            My other message.

          • Fishier fish says:

            Okay a will a look a at a the a camo a rhino a page. a …..k

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            A….K? what does that mean?

          • Fishier fish says:

            I’m not sure what A….K means!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            WWEEIIRRDD. Maybe your fingers slipped!

          • Fishier fish says:

            Probably. ANYWAY what have you been up too? Oh you don’t have to tell me but have you found out if you passed your piano test? Ifits personal then thats fine.

          • Fishier fish says:

            Someone has stolen my name look on the next page.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Last Thursday we were supposed to find out, but the results weren’t in. This Thursday they SHOULD be. I’M NERVOUS TO FIND OUT. And i have been up to watching a movie with my family called Stardust. It is not the best movie ever, but it’s okay. I’m just taking a break from it. It isn’t a imortant movie to me so I don’t mind missing some. You say someone stole your name???? I’m going to check where you said to check. But I’ll know it wasn’t you.

          • Fishier fish says:

            I’m going to get another name what should it be?

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Another name! Okay, um, I think that should be your job to decide, but of course tell me what it is going to be! Oh and I feel so bad I forgot if I send you a gift back on webkinz or not. Did I yet?

          • Fishier fish says:

            I’m mean another WKN name because someone has stolen mine, but I don’t know what it would be so I’ll just keep this one. You asked if you have sent me a gift I looke not on my 2nd file anyway.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            I know that you meant WKN changing name! And why I was asking you about the gift is because when you send me gifts I don’t always send some back right away and I forgot if I sent you a gift back or not. Oh well. I’m about to get on ebkinz (with a W at the front, silly typing mistake) so I’ll send you a gift. I am trying to get my rooms re-done so they look better.

          • Fishier fish says:

            I just ate a cookie and it was really yummy I don’t know what flaver it was but it was good. This comment is really random….Bye!

          • Fishier fish says:

            Do you want to comment on the newest pages, it might be more easy.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Newest pages, that would be the last page, right? Sure we can comment there! It would be more easy, you are right. I am glad you enjoyed your cookie. Guess what. I am sorry but I completely forgot to send you a gift on webkinz today. I will do that tomorrow.

          • Fishier fish says:

            Thats okay you don’t have to send me a gift. Really you don’t. I mean its up to you. But it doesn’t matter to me.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            UUUGGG my dad just gave me some bad news. He wants to teach me and my sister Karate. And when he gets an idea there is no talking him out of it. Oh well, at least it will be at home instead of in a real class. In a real class the students would get hit a lot. I don’t think our dad will be hitting or kicking us. Hopefully not. :( :( :( :( :( :(

          • Fishier fish says:

            Oh I’m so sorry that you have to do Karate, way to look on the bright side you don’t have to go to a class! ( Well at your house )

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Well tonight what we did was just some stretches and we learned a few kicks and punches, but we just did it in the air. FEW. But my dad said that we will get a little more intense later on. But he said we will never do it on eachother. FEW FEW FEW. And so toningt was a little fun actually. Mainly because my sister made the punches and kicks and other moves look like dancing. My sister hates dancing, so I kept quiet because then she would rememver that and stop making it look fun. Then I did the hula hoop. LOVE HULA HOOPING. I haven’t done it since a long time, and thank goodness I didn’t loose my skill! I am the best hula hooper in my family. What is your best skill?

          • Fishier fish says:

            I’m really good at video games I don’t like them that much but when you have two brothers thats about all you get to play.

          • Fishier fish says:

            I don’t know Karate but I do know how to fight you need to know that if your the youngest and if you have brothers in the family. Hee hee.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Video games, okay. Yeah I guess having to older brothers would make you good at that! So we’re both youngests, and I guess I don’t need karate to fight my sister! HAHA I can just yell at her. Though it never works. She will always be mean to me. UGH. So what have you been doing on webkinz lately? I think I already told you that I’m giving my house a makeover, and I’m also going to buy a lot more rooms.

          • Fishier fish says:

            I just had to re-do my living room, and my labradoodles and cinnamon dachshunds room. Do you like watermelon?

          • OceanFloor says:

            Hello Fishier fish and TheWebkinzWarrior. Can I type with you ?

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            UGH UGH UGH THAT MESSAGE THAT SAYS I AM POSTING MY MESSAGES TO QUICKLY SHOWS UP, AND THAT MEANS I CAN’T POST THE COMMENT AND THAT I HAVE TO TYPE MY THING AGAIN, ONLY SAY DIFFERENT WORDS OR ELSE THEY WILL SAY THAT I ALREADY SAID THAT. VER ANNOYNG. Sorry for spelling. Fishier fish sadly I don’t like fruits all that much, but I at least like the LOOK of watermelon. Just not the taste. And Oceanfloor I am okay with you talkin’ with us just only if Fishier fish is.

          • Fishier fish says:

            I know whenever it says that it makes me so mad! “You are posting comments to fast slow down”! When I said do you like watermelon I was just trying to find something to say. So do you like veggies? I’m just trying to start a conversation :)

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Whoops! Look above for my message. I accidentally made it sound like I was only okay with oceanfloor joining if Fishier fish was the only talking, but what I MEANT was as long as Fishier fish agrees.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            I sort of like corn! If it wasn’t so juicy I would really like corn. Not just sort of. Fishier fish, Aquarus Retriever contest winners are on the bottom of my page, so the next conests winners that are announced I will go to the camo rhino. it is the 2nd contest winners from the top. Let’s go there when the next contest winnners is announced for you. (that will be a faster way for you to find out that the aquarus retriever is gone for me, even if it isn’t for you)

    • 65joy says:

      Those are SO COOL YOU GUYS! Nice job! Love ‘em! :)

    • Ausralia says:

      Pets of all come near.
      Winterfest has just begun.
      Webkinz filled with cheer!

      Congrats! By the way does anyone have a set of drums I could have from the hopping bunny thing? I really wanted one but I couldn’t. :( PLEASE SEND ME THE DRUMS SOMEONE! I WOULD LOVE THEM……. TO BAD I COULD NO PARTICIPATE IN THE EVENT

      my username: EEEXW991

    • Tap Dance to the Beat says:

      Who perfers apple computers over dell?

    • TheWebkinzWarrior says:


    • bunnyfloper says:


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