Back to School Craft: Bookmark




School is back in session and you’ll probably have a few books to read this year, so why not make yourself a bookmark or two?


What you need:

Cardstock in different colors, markers, scissors, hole punch, yarn or wool, stickers


What you do:

1.       Cut your cardstock into an 6-inch by 2-inch rectangle.

2.       Decorate your bookmark.

3.       Punch a hole near the top of the rectangle.

4.       Cut 8, 5-inch pieces of yarn or wool.

5.       Slip the yarn through the hole and tie it all into a knot to hold it in place.

6.       Your bookmark is done!

13 Responses to Back to School Craft: Bookmark

  1. CounryGirl says:

    Nice, if I can I may make this craft, but I have so many bookmarks I’ve lost count, so I don’t really need more. But I’ll probably make this one anyways! Thansk for the craft Ganz, really good one and cute, too! ~CC

  2. penguingirl145 says:

    hehe how cute

  3. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    I love to make bookmarks! I collect them too! [also I collect erasers] >>cathouse2

  4. Lillyfoot2372 says:

    wow. that is so awesome Ganz.

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    I love the buttons!!!!

  6. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    I read all the time. My favorite gift ever is my Kindle, this way I can carry a lot of my fav’s with me and read whatever suits my mood. I still have a lot of books and these bookmarks are a great Idea. I have some with ribbons or lace on them. I think I’ll make a bunch of these so I’ll always have some on hand.

  7. sugerbear123 says:

    wow thesse bookmarks are soo cool ,i make mine out of scrap papper, i just draw anything on theam. I is sooo cool how you use yarn for the tali and the mane but anywas love all of theam ttyl

  8. Stealthstorm says:

    Cute! I make some out of card stock. I draw a horse or something…and glue on some yarn for the mane. And then for the tail I cut super long yarn so its tail sticks out of the book. :) I also put my initials on some and put cute scrapbook stickers on them. This is a great way (and cheap) to make your own book marks! I read all the time…so I do this a lot! I also have a jar full of ya! These are cool. WFA >^..^< Meow! $t€@lth

  9. will start tomorrow says:

    This is a simple, cute, classic and creative craft Ganz! (CCC- Haha :-) ) I make my own bookmarks by either doing this, or using fuse beads. I like this way, because you can personalize them! I like to personalize mine by cutting out letters from magazines or articles (Magazines are the best, since they’re more “natural” and “flowing”) that spell my name. In that case, my name is Erin, so I would cut out those letters. Then you can just glue them on, or tape them onto your bookmark. You can also cut out pictures you like (reasonable sizes) and glue/tape them on too. I don’t like to overdo it though, other wise your bookmark itself will look like a magazine. ~§ugªr☾☼♏εէ☄☄☄

  10. ~*Green Zebra*~A.K.A solocup says:

    Those are really cute i might make them!*’*'*green zebra out*’*'* :mrgreen: :roll: ;-)

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