Bad Luck?













Dear Diary,

Do you believe in bad luck? I don’t think I do – but my friend Sparky does. He says he’s been having the worst luck ever. He broke his skateboard, skinned his paws, lost his handheld game, and flunked a test.

OK, so that sounds pretty bad.

But is it because of bad luck? I don’t know. His skateboard needed fixing and he kept putting it off. He’s always misplacing things…and he didn’t study for the test, so what did he think would happen?

Anyway, he was really bummed at today’s ‘Kinz meeting…so much so that after he left, my friends and I discussed a way to make him feel better. Now, it does involve a little bit of trickery…but sometimes that’s OK, right?

Stoogles decided that he’d tell Sparky that he’s giving him a lucky rock. The rock isn’t lucky at all, of course. It’s just a nice, shiny gray rock that Stoogles found one day. But as Roberta said, “if Sparky BELIEVES it’s lucky, maybe he’ll start to FEEL luckier…and less sad.”
And she’s got a good point.

So we’re going to give him the rock…and maybe set up a few ‘lucky’ things so Sparky’s mood improves.

It can’t hurt, right?


-          Salley

37 Responses to Bad Luck?

  1. ppopl and 7s7k77e7s says:

    Luck is okay if you ask me, but Sparky won’t be more casious that way, and things MIGHT turn out horibly. But, on the other hand, what a nice way to make him happier!

  2. ppopl and 7s7k77e7s says:

    Yay! I got the first comment. Hmm…I think that it will help Sparky, BUT maybe he will belive in luck so much, he won’t study, or be carful though. ;) :)
    ppopl and 7s7k77e7s

  3. Serene says:

    It sounds nice, but I just sense that he’s going to get mad at you for lying to him. I know I wouldn’t want to be lied to. ;) That would make me feel even more sad. :(
    Have Serenity :!: -Serene :mrgreen:

  4. widgetwoo says:

    You rock,Sally!?!

  5. ilovehellokitty says:

    you are right you are doing a very good thing and your friend will really appreciate it however, you have to make sure no one tells that its just a normal rock because then it will make him feel more sad and hopeless.

  6. Forest932 :) says:

    Good idea! Just be careful though. :)

  7. ::::::::::Awesome♥GirL:::::::::: says:

    Not at all! At least Sparky’s mood will change.Maybe you could paint the
    rock with shiny paint or something to make it look EXTRA special… :)


  8. follow2 says:

    Uh-oh! I think something magical will happen! Lets see…maybe the rock will actually be magic! (and bring good luck)…or it could bring bad luck!
    Ur friend,
    FLW :)

  9. sarahandlacey says:

    That sounds like a good idea Salley! I think if thing start to go right then the will not think that way so much! Today I skined my hand going down the drive with my heely shoes! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

  10. Hello Kitty ROX! says:

    I think that will make him feel better! ~Hello Kitty ROX! ^.^

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