Blossom Giraffe Winners

Congrats to 1Emerald1, bluesmiles, dinosaurtracker13, je1847 and lemony! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Blossom Giraffe, August’s Pet of the Month!

Adopt the Blossom Giraffe any time in August to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a Pet of the Month exclusive item that you can pick yourself!


72 Responses to Blossom Giraffe Winners

  1. tweetsjo702 says:

    Congratulations!!!!!! Special congrats to my friends Blue and Lemony

  2. DarkChocolate says:

    Congratulations everyone, enjoy your new pet!!

  3. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Wow, those are some great rooms! =] Congrats to you all!

  4. Pineapple6 says:

    What beautiful rooms! Congratulations to everyone on their hard work!

  5. raccoon says:

    Congratulations winners!! What gorgeous rooms!!

  6. ImaPepper says:

    Wow, congratulations, winners! Nice room designs!

  7. MaddyKinzzx says:

    Congratulations Blue, your room is absolutely amazing! <3

  8. lemony says:

    Thank you so much! And congrats to the other winners!

  9. dinosaurtracker13 says:

    OH MY GOSH!!! I WON!!! I NEVER win Webkinz contests! I was so excited when I saw this that I screamed and jumped up and down…XD The Blossom Giraffe is sooo cute! I can’t wait to adopt her! Except, first, I’m going to take forever to think of a name…hahaha…

    • dinosaurtracker13 says:

      Okay, I just adopted her…she’s adorable! I named her Etta after a character from the new Land Before Time movie. Now I’m thinking about getting the plush Blossom Giraffe, too, even though that would mean having two of the same pet online.

      • dinosaurtracker13 says:

        I can’t decide which POTM item to get: the Stellar Star Blaster, Cloud Machine, Flying Saucer, Rainbow Shower, or Volcanic Geyser. Are any of these items not working because of Webkinz X? I don’t want to pick one and then have it not work. Too bad the Crystalline Pond was retired…I always wanted one of those. :(

    • 4CheeseTortellini says:

      Congratulations, dinosaurtracker13! Your Extraterrestrial Meadow is gorgeous – Enjoy your new Blossom Giraffe!

  10. Webkinzwarriorlover8 says:

    Congrats everyone! Those are so cool! Of course, I am working on a room and the perfect flooring decides to not work… WHY!? WHY CREATIVE THEME FLOORING, WHY ?! XD

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