Blossom Giraffe Winners

Congrats to 1Emerald1, bluesmiles, dinosaurtracker13, je1847 and lemony! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Blossom Giraffe, August’s Pet of the Month!

Adopt the Blossom Giraffe any time in August to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a Pet of the Month exclusive item that you can pick yourself!


72 Responses to Blossom Giraffe Winners

  1. uytrewq14 says:

    Do u draw the room design and email it to webkinz? how does this work? someone please tell me!

  2. wolf246 says:

    wow this really shows the amagination of the people on webkinz. congrats to the winners!

  3. iknowuluvpinksquirrels says:

    I could never think up those rooms!!!! Congrats to winners!!!!!!! :)

  4. arianatootlebug17 says:

    Congratulations to all the winners! Those are some great rooms!! :D

  5. RainbowDash20PercentCoole says:

    Congratulations EVERYBODY! Special congrats to 1Emeald1.

  6. acoolaunt says:

    Congrats winners! Your rooms are Grrreeeaaattttt!!!

  7. 50ishwebbies says:

    Congratulations friends!!! enjOy your sweet Blossom Giraffe adoption!

  8. 4uLittleOne says:

    Congrats to Everyone who won! I got one for my birthday from my wonderful daughter and so i didn’t enter contest but i am so happy for the winners and owners..Go Wacky!

  9. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    Congratulations, 1Emerald1, Blueberry, dinosaurtracker13, je1847, and lemony! Your floral rooms are absolutely gorgeous – Enjoy your adorable new Blossom Giraffe!

  10. EclipseKinz18 says:

    Congratulations to everybody who won the Blossom Giraffe!!! Hope you guys enjoy your Blooming new pet.

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