Congrats to 1Emerald1, bluesmiles, dinosaurtracker13, je1847 and lemony! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Blossom Giraffe, August’s Pet of the Month!
Adopt the Blossom Giraffe any time in August to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a Pet of the Month exclusive item that you can pick yourself!
- bluesmiles
- dinosaurtracker13
- je1847
- lemony
- 1emerald1
Do u draw the room design and email it to webkinz? how does this work? someone please tell me!
wow this really shows the amagination of the people on webkinz. congrats to the winners!
I could never think up those rooms!!!! Congrats to winners!!!!!!! :)
Congratulations to all the winners! Those are some great rooms!! :D
Congratulations EVERYBODY! Special congrats to 1Emeald1.
Thanks, RainbowDash!
Congrats winners! Your rooms are Grrreeeaaattttt!!!
Congratulations friends!!! enjOy your sweet Blossom Giraffe adoption!
Congrats to Everyone who won! I got one for my birthday from my wonderful daughter and so i didn’t enter contest but i am so happy for the winners and owners..Go Wacky!
Congratulations, 1Emerald1, Blueberry, dinosaurtracker13, je1847, and lemony! Your floral rooms are absolutely gorgeous – Enjoy your adorable new Blossom Giraffe!
Congratulations to everybody who won the Blossom Giraffe!!! Hope you guys enjoy your Blooming new pet.