Blue Springtime Chick Contest

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Why is the Blue Springtime Chick blue? Tell us your most fantastical reason in 1000 characters or fewer and you could win an eStore exclusive Blue Springtime Chick (the “Prize”)!

The contest opens at 12:00am EST on April 1, 2012 and ends at 11:59 pm EST on April 10, 2012. For details on how to enter the contest and the official contest rules, click here.

To enter, visit the Contests page on April 1 and click Enter Contest.

51 Responses to Blue Springtime Chick Contest

  1. nanabelle10 says:

    they wont say the winner its been what 3 weeks and 2 days oh well webkinz is still cool but i just wish they would say the winner

  2. dddivia says:

    The grass is green, the leaves are green I stand out like a cat in a dog park. I am telling the story how some chicks are blue. I saw my friend ducky the duck dying Easter eggs I had a plan to dye myself green. I filled a pot with cold water put some egg dye in the pot and jumped in I sat there for a minute I started to get cold I put warm water in the pot and jumped in then I remembered I shouldn’t of done it or the color would be blue when I climbed out of the pot I looked in the mirror it was to late there was a blue figure in the mirror I looked like a giant blue berry I freaked out but now I love blue and that is how the blue spring time chick is blue.

  3. Bertha says:

    this is a very fun and creative contest!

  4. mamajaime says:

    I think it got blue because it was already blue :) .

  5. Hollys98 says:

    sadly my mom won’t let me enter :(

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