Booger’s Big Walk?

Um… it’s Polly here and you are not going to believe what I just saw. I’m not sure I believe it myself! I was hanging out in the park, swinging on a tire swing, when I looked up and saw Booger strolling through the park. At first I thought my eyes must be deceiving me because Booger never walks anywhere. He barely leaves his house except to go to school.

So I did a double take and sure enough, – it WAS Booger. I figured he must have found a short cut through the park to the arcade or the ice cream shop or something. So I called over and said hi and asked him where he was going.

And he told me… he was going for a walk. I was certain I must have heard him wrong so I asked where he was walking to. And then he said he was JUST going for a walk. HUH????

Okay – now I’m worried. I’m pretty sure that aliens have invaded Kinzville and taken over Booger’s body. There can’t be any other logical explanation, can there?

29 Responses to Booger’s Big Walk?

  1. PrincessLunaIsDaBomb says:

    There appears 2 B a LOT of positive comments on this article. I like that Booger’s getting healthier now.(ooh, another positive comment)
    **Stay healthy, and have fun doin’ it**

  2. GrnRangr says:

    Glad to see Booger having a walk outside – once he realizes what he misses he’ll be out enjoying himself even more!

  3. KirbyQuoter says:

    “Aliens, stay home.”

  4. ShibaQueen says:

    :*) Congrats Booger!
    How should I sign my name?

    ‘Till next time,

  5. jmcs1966 says:

    I geuss he got tired of just sitting and computing all day and finally decided to get some fresh air for a change. Well good for him, maybe we all should take a long walk every day to get motivated .

  6. Jitterbug says:

    Polly you should be ashamed! I mean i know Booger has been rude and lazy recently but things can change. Shame on you

  7. angelpie5123 says:

    Way to go Booger! keep walking and quit playing your video games! It’s your turn to make a picnic! angelpie5123, add me!

  8. FlowerSt@r says:

    LOL :D I like polly. (: Polar Berry, I like how you do the “ski you later”! Should i put this at the end of my name -@ (its a rose) or this -8 (its a flower) ~FlowerSt@r

    • PikachuHazelNut says:

      Aliens, that’s really funny. =) I haven’t posted in a long time so I don’t know this entire story, but it’s interesting.
      Could someone please reply? I guess Webkinz is doing this and all, but I can’t help but wonder what are the point of these? I”m curious also of what’s the whole storyline.

      P.S Hello! If you remember me from posting a while ago just saying hi!

      • SapphireSea says:

        PikachuHazelNut: They are trying to get kids to be healthy. They have been talking about Booger being lazy and eating nothing but junk-food, and other gross stuff I don’t care to mention. That’s the basic story line. Booger just now turned around and is starting to be healthy. I hope that helps you!

      • Joanna says:

        The whole story was this: Booger was having trouble keeping healthy so he went to Dr. Quack and now he’s doing better again but his friends just don’t understand what made him healthy again.

      • lightpapa says:

        Polly! I certinly hope its not that! (wink) Booger, You are getting better! I wonder why you did not want to rake leaves?


        lightpapa + webkinz

        • PikachuHazelNut says:

          Thank you all so much! Now I totally get it. I’m looking forward to World Wide Play! I really want to try and get outside before it finally becomes fall! I adore fall but there are still some sunny days left!

          P.S Bye bye!!

        • Elf says:

          Not everyone likes raking leaves. I, as a matter of fact, don’t like it much at all. Luckily, I don’t have to do it much. However, walking is quite enjoyable, especially if I can listen to my iPod while I do it.

    • FireWolves says:

      :lol: Aliens!

  9. Polar Berry says:

    Ski you later!
    -Polar Berry [{*}] :mrgreen::

    • please says:

      plez add me and my bro we are unknown20 and unknown40 thx!!!!!!!!!!

    • Heatherstem says:

      That is cute and funny at the same time! I am glad Booger has taken a step to the right direction.

      • Boston ROCKs...there we go! says:

        That’s better. Of course, this isn’t the funniest thing I’ve seen on WKN. Last month when the rooster told about making the video was ridiculous. I’m always laughing when I’m supposed to be quiet. And it reminded me of the time at camp we had these awful cots to sleep on, and the support beam broke out of nowhere on Northwestern’s. I think we woke the whole main lodge building up laughing up a storm!

      • silverlvr says:

        Hahaha, get it? a STEP in the right direction! XD (insert smiley emoticon cracking up) Cause he’s going on a walk!!!!? Anyone else think that’s funny? No, just me? Okay, (blush) well I feel embarrassed now. i still think it’s funny though……. Someone please post that you think this is funny too…… XD

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