Booger’s Injury


Roberta Rabbit here – and boy am I ever frustrated! It’s Booger Hausenfeffer!
I went over to his house and I asked him if he wanted to rake leaves with me- we’ve got a HUGE maple tree in my front yard, and there are about a gazillion leaves. The best part of raking, of course, is jumping in the gigantic pile when you’re done. I invited a ton of ‘Kinz over for an afternoon of raking, apple cider drinking and game playing, but did Booger want to join us? Nope. Not at all. Not only that, but he made up a ridiculous excuse – he said that he had skinned his knee badly and jumping in leaves would probably ‘postpone his recovery’ – give me a break! When he showed me his ‘skinned knee’ I couldn’t help rolling my eyes – I’ve had bigger paper cuts! Anyway, Booger said he didn’t want to jump in any dumb leaves, and then he just closed the door in my face. I don’t know what’s up with that guy, but I’ll tell you what – he needs to be a better friend…and soon!

46 Responses to Booger’s Injury

  1. hiya says:

    i think booger should use his brains and have fun

    • lightpapa says:

      I am getting mad with Booger. Booger is SO mean now. I mean, first he liked math, and now he is pretty much saying math is BAD. Really, I think Booger is going to far. I mean, Roberta said he better be a good friend soon. this is the first time they have said that. Really.

  2. katie says:

    Booger didn’t have to be so mean. He could say, “No thanks, I don’t feel like it.” Just try to be nicer next time, okay?

  3. Lucy says:

    Hmm… your right, Roberta. But still, be kind to those who hurt you, because you get a reward! Maybe a friend or somebody from your family will give you one, so try. And I’ll just hope Booger has better manners next time!

  4. GrnRangr says:

    Booger is probably just feeling a lot of pressure to go out and exercise from his family, friends, school and even the TV now is telling everyone to “go out for an hour a day”. He might just be a little overwhelmed and needs some time to realize that everyone has his best interest and health at heart. He still needs to apologize to Roberta and explain why he acted out, could be Roberta was in the there at the wrong time and he just took it out on her.

  5. Mirpoli says:

    Uhhhhhh! Booger is being such a booger!
    PS: Why did you name him Booger?

  6. Binkycat says:

    Maybe Booger has Fallen Leaf Phobia. Or is Booger just being a little booger?

  7. Jitterbug says:

    I mad but I’m mad at both of them Booger is getting better but it takes time I’m sorry Roberta but you have to be understanding. Booger not only do you have to eat healthier but you also need to have fun. The defenition of Fun is not staying inside and playing video games or stuff like that. Come on Participate

    • RedPanda says:

      Agreed. Also, when I saw “Booger’s Injury” wrote there, I thought “Oh no!” And when I saw what it was, I just though “…………” :mrgreen:
      Faith, Hope, Animals,

  8. smartgal00 says:

    now im just mad!

  9. Gameboy says:

    No. IMPOSSIBLE. Booger is getting better. He getting energy. Just because someone gets hurt, IT DOESN’T MEAN THERE MAKING AN EXCUSE. Wow, talk about harsh. Even if he wasn’t hurt, he probly didn’t want to.

  10. Ramsey41 says:

    You guys should try compromising, You could be a little more sympathetic and understanding, and he could be a better friend to you ..

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