Booger’s Unfortunate Dinner









Ahhh! That’s better! It’s me Booger again. I’m just tucking into my secret candy supply I keep under my bed.

Hang on while I get myself a handful.

I am STARVING! Tonight Goober made the grossest dinner ever! I mean, I didn’t try it so I don’t know how it tasted, but it LOOKED totally gross! It was full of vegetables! He called it a ‘stir-fry’ –

Hang on while I have some more candy.

Okay, so he made this disgusting stir fry – it had these green tree things in it, and these orange circles, and little grey toadstool things.

Ugh – now I have to grab more candy just to get the image of it out of my head!

Anyway, Goober SAID that it was really tasty. Yeah, right! I know he was just saying that to trick me.

Wait just a sec – more candy. Mmmmmmm.

Who could actually LIKE that stuff? Goober said I had to at least try it – as if I had to try THAT to know I didn’t like it! So when he got up to help himself to more (I can’t believe the lengths he was willing to go to trick me into thinking he actually liked it) I stuffed mine into a plant.

Of course that meant I ended up with no supper. But that’s okay – I keep my candy stash up here for just such an emergency.

Ugh – I’m actually starting to feel really sick now. It must be all this talking about the stir fry that’s doing it. I’m sure more candy will help.

53 Responses to Booger’s Unfortunate Dinner

  1. live*laugh*love=happiness says:

    Booger! I can’t believe you! Well, actually I can. :roll Lol! But still, stir fry is really good. I only won’t eat the peas, and the mini corns are so cute!

  2. WinterFawn says:

    Stir fry…yum. =)

  3. what! says:

    dude u got to be joking! stir fry is healthy! P.S. candy is making u sick not the thought of stir fry ! candy makes it worse! (the green trees are brocoli! orange circles are oranges, and the grey toadstool things are mushrooms! P.S. #2 those are vegetables! they are health food!

  4. Icewolf says:

    Ok, I have just about had it with Booger!!!! LOL! *Peace, Love and Hope, Icewolf* P.S. I am the same person as Icefox.

  5. snowcares says:

    What are you thinking Booger! :mad: Candy?!? :oops: Not likeing something without trying it!?!? :roll: Come on Booger if you stop all this i will be happy! :mrgreen:


  6. jmcs1966 says:

    If you had at least tasted the stir fry you may of found you liked it but nooo not you and now after all that candy who has
    a tummy ache?!?!? Next time give it a try you might be quite surprised. Good luck!!

  7. tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS says:

    LOL booger green tree stuff? orange circles? Haha that is hilarious and you are probably sick from that candy not the image of stir fry !


    • lillyluvie says:

      Exactly! He doesn’t even know what vegatables look like! :(
      *Luv from LillyLuvie*

      • tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS says:

        Yeah LOL have a good open house lillyluvie! ♥♥♥


      • lightpapa says:

        I know how to make Booger join his friends again! All they do is when school starts they start talking really loud about a picnic and say in a louder voice that they were going to invite Booger but he would be to busy, and he could ask to come if he wants. If he asks to come, a couple of days later they cancel the picnic because whoever was hosting it decided they would rather play video games. Booger will see what he is acting like and start acting normal again. ( They only have to pretend to play so much screen time and they only have to pretend to have so much candy.)

  8. MDIChickadee says:

    Poor Goober!

  9. what! says:

    Booger! NO MORE CANDY! You’ll throw up!

  10. Silver Wolf says:

    !!!! *calm down silver wolf* Wow this is just…. just…. (tries to find a word) …..Wordless to say!! But he must be sick from eating candy…. and really! A candy stash! Wow….. whatever booger. :angry: oh well……

    ~Silver Wolf

    • Heatherstem says:

      Booger… I swear someday… *grumbles*

      I have a candy stash too – and i only have a tiny piece when I get writers block or on holidays. But really? A HANDFUL? You’ll get fat in your ears because it won’t have anywhere else to fit soon! *sighs* I think Goober is awesome. AWESOME.

      • Gameboy says:


        • lillyluvie says:

          Yeah, I agree. He needs to get his act together and stop eating junk food! :( And Goober
          should have made him try at least one TINY bite of stir fry. *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • sparklegirlLT says:

            He doesn’t even know what the vegetables are! Some one needs to stop him! He’s clueless!

          • SwedishLatte says:

            I am in total agreement with everyone else here. Booger, it isn’t nice to Goober if you refuse to eat what he cooks for you. He puts hard work into it I’m guessing, and you won’t even try a little bite. You really need to give Goober and all of your friends a big apology for the way you’ve been acting. On another note, Booger, veggies are delicious and they are healthy for you! Veggies will make you feel good and not sick, unlike what the candy does. Candy is a sometimes type of food. Meaning that you should only have it on special occasions not stuffing yourself when you feel like it. Candy’s not very filling either in my opinion so I think you could eat all of that, and still be hungry! And all of the junk food is what’s giving you a bit more weight so that you don’t fit in your clothes well anymore. Booger you should get outside and PLAY. Have fun with your friends. If you apologize I’m sure they’ll forgive you. But all of this junk has got to stop. You’re not caring about anyone but yourself.

        • Oh my goodness says:

          Boston ROCKs here. Ugh, Booger, that was not only unhealthy, that was rude to Goober! You owe him an apology!!!!! Besides that, you can’t deny it until you try it, and if I did that, do you know what my mom would say? No one is leaving this room until Boston ROCKs eats her dinner!

      • lillyluvie says:

        Booger!!!! :mad: You need to stop eating candy otherwise you’ll get even MORE sick! :( And that will
        not be good. How can you eat that much candy!? It must be terrible for you.

        Well, I hope he realizes that the Stir Fry would have been delicious and healthy. ;)
        *Luv from LillyLuvie*

        • lightpapa says:

          What will Goober say when he waters the plant? Booger will be posting again! I wonder if Goober ever will find the candy stash!

          • Starlight says:

            Yeah! What if Goober does find the plant and then he will find Booger’s candy stash and Booger will get in trouble(BIG trouble.)Booger is on my last nerves!!.Booger has an unhealthy additude of eating food and it COULD lead to an eating disorder. Because he will notice he’s fat(REALLY fat) and he will stop eating and it will become a problem. Off topic, did you hear they are making a JESSE(Jesse is going to be a new show on Disney channel) clubhouse room and game just like Judy Moody? And there is going to be a NEW Curio Show theme!! The Neo Gothic theme!!! It’s pink and black and purple and some white and it is SO PRETTY!!!!!


          • That's for sure says:

            He will find it because Booger will have to clean his room and he will be to lazy to do so and Goober will have to clean it for him and then he will find it. He will make sure he eats good foods plus he will smell the moldy food in the plant because he is a hound dog.

        • Garden Girl says:

          Oh…My…Gosh! Booger, if a doctor went into your house, he would be ashamed. Wait, that is it. Booger should vist Doctor Quack!!! That is the answer to his problem. Oh, by the way, Stir-Fry is awsome. I like the Water Cheasnuts. He should try Grapefruit. I would choose Grapefruit over candy any day.
          *Garden Girl*

          • Tumble says:

            Booger has gone nuts! I mean, who doesn’t like Chinese food? This kid has stir-fried :) his noodle! Haven’t Booger’s parents noticed the difference in him lately? Seems like they didn’t, which is pretty sad. Well, at least Googer seems to be noticing some- OK, alot- of change in Booger recently. Maybe that’s why Goober made stir-fry for dinner yesterday! :)

      • RedPanda is Confused says:

        *screams, or at least wants to scream* Booger……. ugh….. seriously, I’m gonna…… ugh. Heatherstream, I agree with you. But Booger….. Guys, hes not listening to us, why do we even try?! *Narrows eyes* UGH! :evil:
        Faith, Hope, Animals,

      • bookworm says:

        Oh im so angry at Booger. I used to admire him because he was smart like me. But now, he’s my least favorite member of the Kinz Crew. Oh im SO ANGRY!

    • Silver Wolf says:

      Yeah I know Heatherstem to me this is getting depressing now… but I agree Goober is now titled AWESOMENESS to me. :)

      ~Silver Wolf :)

    • Emeraldleaf says:

      OMG I can’t take it anymore!!! Booger, stop eating handful after handful of that candy and eat healthy! I have to admit, that stir-fry at the top of the page did look quite good to me……..Booger is just too picky. I would rather eat rice, brocoli, and carrots than handfuls of candy that make me sick! I mean it! :roll: It’s bad you don’t even know what vegetables look like, since you’ve been eating all that junk! Stop making the readers pull their hair out over you! LOL!

      ~*Emeraldleaf*~ :mrgreen:!

    • HarryPotterNarwhals says:

      Oh really guys :roll: i don’t know what you go on and on about, i’d rather go watch a movie than a bike ride!!! Besides, i NEVRE eat veggies unless they are carrots (and ONLY cooked or baked carrots) or corn!!! Really, you guys jus make me :mad: its not like he’s REAL or anything, besides, he doesn’t get fat at all, this is just to teach kids to be heathly, doesn’t help me at all :)

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