Bookshelf Makeover!

Obviously bookshelves are an excellent place to store your books, but with a little rearranging, a bookshelf can also be a great place to express your creativity.

Do you have any souvenirs you’d like to display? How about trophies you’ve won, framed photographs or homemade objets d’art? These are all perfect candidates for a spot on your bookshelf.

Start out by clearing a couple of shelves for showing off your things. One way to display your belongings is to group similar items together, so you could have one section devoted to trophies. Once you have a portion of one shelf taken up with a group of items, try to find something completely different to sit on the shelf next to them. What makes displays interesting is mixing things up, so a collection of seashells might look attractive perched next to one of your Webkinz!

If you have miniatures, create a ‘stand’ for them, by stacking a few books on their sides and placing the small objects on top.

You can even be creative in the way you sort your books. Instead of sorting them alphabetically, you could group books of similar colors or sizes together. Stack some upright and lay others on their sides.

A bookshelf makes an ideal location for your most cherished belongings, from collections, to toys, to pictures. And oh yeah – books!

41 Responses to Bookshelf Makeover!

  1. What the... says:

    What happened to the articles posted after this one??? Like, the ones after midnight????

  2. Jocelyn says:

    Guys i have a question.

    To post a forum, what is a [ tags comma] seprated] sign mean?

    PS love the shelf!


    Wow what a lame idea.

  4. chickaroo says:

    i have all the room themes.that bookshelf is just the thing i needed.i also am a member!if anyone wants to add me my user name is pander.

  5. luvtouch says:

    I would soooooo luv bookshelves! It would be awesome!!!!

  6. sunset says:

    im going to try that, great idea.

  7. sugarsweetpup says:

    Hm… could it be a hint for the clothing recipe contest??? Can’t figure it out…

  8. CUTSOKS says:

    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S MY USER NAME ISCUTSOKS

  9. Warrior cats fan. says:

    My most cherished belongings ARE books. lol.

  10. dedr says:


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