Build Your Gingerbread Cabin!

Nick the MAZIN’ Hamster is here to help you build your Gingerbread Cabin! Play the Gingerbread Cabin Peek-A-Newz Challenge all of December to win pieces of Gingerbread, Icing or Candy for your Gingerbread Cabin.

Get Gingerbread from December 1 to December 10.

Get Icing from December 11 to December 21.

Get Candy from December 22 to December 31.

Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day.

23 Responses to Build Your Gingerbread Cabin!

  1. LuckyPup81 says:

    how do u enter in this contest? >:(

  2. majuju says:

    I haven’t received my Gingerbread building piece in my dock either. I play every day. Where are they?

  3. wilkim says:

    I have completed this every day, but have not received any gingerbread. Help!!!

  4. 076n says:

    how do you get to peek-a-newz?

  5. rudyrooster says:

    Each time it says my Gingerbread will be in my dock, but it is never there. What’s going on?

  6. ImaPepper says:

    Cool–I can use all the help I can get! :-)

  7. theprincessmommy says:

    So cool! My little daughter just bought a Nick Mazin’ Hamster with birthday money, so it’s fun to see him as the star in a challenge. :)

  8. bear1202006 says:

    how do I put the pieces together once I get them? It said it was added to my dock but it isn’t there?

  9. SeekingSally says:

    Thanks 4 so much fun, Ganz. I LOVE webkinz!

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