Build Your Own SPREE Road!

Play the SPREE Peek-A-Newz Challenge from now until July 27 and find Elwin 5 times to win a random decorative item to build your very own SPREE-themed road!

Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day.

30 Responses to Build Your Own SPREE Road!

  1. StrawberryFields4ever says:

    I would love to be able to win enough road pieces 4 my “Old Homestead” room! That would be so fun!

  2. mommysbabe19 says:

    I LOVE and appreciate all of the Peek-A-News challenges however, when they don’t show up when you log in they are impossible to find if you have a lot of items in your dock as our accounts do. Please set them up to let us know what we won. Thanks so much!

  3. CaroleF says:

    Now THOSE are the nice road pieces! So much nicer than the ones that come in shopping bag prizes.

  4. julieperkins says:

    nice ty ganz

  5. MidnightFireflies15 says:

    probably not going to do this peek a newz because its too time consuming for prizes i always get in spree. but still i will always love free prizes :)

  6. webkinzSam24 says:

    but that would be awesome to have your own spree room!!! 8I

  7. webkinzSam24 says:

    who’s Elwin??? + first comment!!!

    • prprprprp says:

      Hi webkinzSam24, Elwin is an elephant who is Hailey’s brother. He is one of the Designer Elephants. He and Hailey design rooms! If you search ‘room design’ or ‘Hailey and Elwin’ some of their room designs should come up. Hope that helps! Just ask if you have any more questions though, or if it didn’t! :)

      • playnowpuppy says:

        Yes like prprprprp Elwen Is Hailey the Elaphant’s brother! They are a design team and do many makeovers u should check out! P.S. they also did the pick the next room theme contest! U know the Toadstool theme won :)

  8. Suwalleis says:

    this is great, I already build a race car track for my pets… it works great,now it would be nice if more of our pets could share the track together…

  9. prprprprp says:

    Cool! I think I will do this.

  10. b67j says:

    Oh yay! I haven’t used any of the roads I got :p yet.

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