Challenge 9: Watch No TV Today!








Hey! It’s me, Cowabelle!
Guess what? My mom said that today was “No TV Day” at our house. I couldn’t believe it – I love TV! In fact, I couldn’t wait to see the latest episode of Superstar Cow…but no such luck. My mom unplugged the TV and said it would stay like that for the rest of the day.

Luckily, she had LOTS of fun stuff planned for us to do, so I didn’t really miss my show very much!

What did we do? Glad you asked!

First, mom had a scavenger hunt planned for my friends and I. She gave us lists and we divided into teams and searched Kinzville high and low for interesting items (I actually found the winning item – a sticker in the shape of a horseshoe!). After that, she met us in the park and left a picnic lunch for us to share. When we were done eating, we hiked through the park. It was beautiful! Finally, we went back to Molly’s house for dinner – her dad cooked up a big pot of spaghetti and we had fruit trifle for dessert. My friends and I sat in Molly’s backyard and told ghost stories for a long time (until Millie had to go to bed) and then we walked each other home. Mom asked how I liked my day without TV – I said we should do it more often!

66 Responses to Challenge 9: Watch No TV Today!

  1. Veronica says:

    Well, thank you for liking me tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS, LOL
    And welcome to WKN, Go Wacky and His Minions! I’d have to say Heatherstem and lillyluvie are my favourite commenters.
    Now, back to the main topic!
    I actually watch TV a lot because summer vacation is really boring… I wish school would hurry up and start! But I don’t think I’ll be watching that much TV once the new school year begins, since the only 2 grade 8 teachers are the most strict in my school! This challenge could be kind of hard… but I’ll try my best. :D

    P.S. I’m thinking I should come up with a cool name instead of my real name. I also go by AugustGlitter if you see me. I think I’ll stop using Veronica and use AugustGlitter instead–what do you guys think?

    Veronica, AKA AugustGlitter

    • tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS says:

      No no Veronica Please Please don’t change it please!!!! I love the name Veronica Maybe just add something don’t change it completely please


  2. STARPELT says:


  3. Katie says:

    NO WAY! I can’t stay without tv for a DAY! I LOVE tv! :) ;) ~Katie~

  4. bunnyfunny says:

    someone be my friend my user name is tyuirhjnfg andi go on like every day and i would like my friends to go on every day too………….. p.s im new here

  5. *vapreon* says:

    hay guys:)

    i dont watch tv like ever so i do this evry day :)


    p.s.moonstar can you frinde(mind my spelling:) me ? my username is ruby2sday123

  6. fleaflea says:

    We don’t have cable:(

  7. 90flowerpots says:

    That’s easy. I don’t have cable . I just watch movies. It gets annoying after awhile though. I hate watching the same thing over and over! That’s not usually allowed very much anyway. So I just do school or bury myself in a book.

  8. Gameboy says:

    I have to admit, i probaly wouldnt do this. No body listen to me, just giving my OPINION. :P :( :-( ;( Sure i would do this FIRST, but then when i’m done with that stuff i would take a brake.( No hard feelings :?: )

  9. krystalkat says:

    by the way cowbelles mom did so much 4 her. if only my mom did that 4 me and my friends. :D


  10. Pegagrl says:

    Nice! But my mom and dad should have no tv, not me, LOL! ;)

    • sparklegirlLT says:

      I hardly watch TV anyway.

      • FireWolves says:

        Me Too,
        When I Do Its Usually Harry Potter Or Good Luck Charlie Or So Random!

        I Mostly Read Harry Potter And Now Narnia!

      • Northwestern says:

        I only watch one show, and the latest season ended in July, so I won’t see it again until April, except for reruns Thanksgiving weekend. And it only comes on Tuesday nights during the season. It’s not on now, so the only time I see TV is when my parents are watching the news

      • Go Wacky & His Minions says:

        Hi Im new, I ♥ wacky & the minions from dicpicible me, and my favorite commenter is Chole785±! She is SO popular! Who is your favrite?

        • tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS says:

          Dear Go Wacky & His Minions,
          Welcome to WKN I am Wittygirl23 (or now I am tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS) I absolutely love the commenters Lillyluvie, Veronica, sparklegirlLT, Moonstar(or whatever her name is now i think she changed it) and finally Ilike Chole785± o


          • lillyluvie says:

            Thanks! That just made me so happy! :D I have my school open house tonight, and I am
            a little scared because I am going to a NEW school. I used to go to a private school but now
            I am going to a public school. Wish me luck!! :mrgreen: *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS says:

            OMG I LOVE public school


          • lillyluvie says:

            Yeah. My mom really wanted me to go to a public school but I don’t. :( But I am going to
            see if I like it or not. So, I hope it goes well. ;) *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS says:

            I bet you will did you leave any friends behind?


          • Gameboy says:

            Toatly love moonstar, lillyluvie, FireWolves, Northwestern, and more. You GOT to meet em’.

          • lillyluvie says:

            LOL! Thank you! :D Your really nice. *Luv rmo LillyLuvie*

          • Northwestern says:

            Thank you so much! My favorite users are Heatherstem, lillyluvie, sparklegirlLT, lynxlover, and of course my cousins, Boston ROCKs, ( formerly Time Bandit ) and Kodiak, who used to comment a long time ago as Knox the Cat. She took a break from commenting, but you’ll see her more and more often! But my attention and regards go out to all commenters. They’re all great!

          • lynxlover says:

            Aw thanks northwestern! Yeah I had to watch T.V just today because I ♥LOVE Phineas and Ferb! GO perry the platypus I love him SO MUCH, He rocks! So yeah maybe tomorrow though. Booger needs to read this article :roll: ~lynx♥lover

        • ZebraMan _-_-_-_-_ says:

          I personally like Heatherstem and lillyluvie and sparklegirlLT. The popular ones are just kinda annoying, and the nice ones are just fine by me.

          • Heatherstem says:

            Thanks… I think?

          • lillyluvie says:

            Thank you so much! :) You are so nice, can I add you as a friend?
            My username is LillyLuvie. *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS says:

            Oh sure I have wanted to be your friend forever I am danzed the name is weird right it is my mom’s name mixed with my dad’s


      • Silver Wolf says:

        Whew school has been busy for me!! i”m excited cause I just got contaxes (sorry if I spelled it wrong!) And i get to wear them to school tomorrow.. oh and lol I sometimes watch TV!

        ~Silver Wolf

        • tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS says:

          School has been busy for me too Silver Wolf I finish homework at like 5:00 but it takes longer now because of IB programs or special placement classes here


          • Silver Wolf says:

            Oh wow I can’t imagine it lol well i’m in 6th grade now so I have a lot more homework and you get rushed now which makes it even more hard… *sigh* Oh well I still like school!

            ~Silver Wolf :)

          • tAyLoRsWiFtRoCkS says:

            ooh I am in 5th grade and so far it looks like it will be the best year ever because of the extra 45 minutes, the 5th grade dance(YAY!!!), trips(YAY!!!), Our graduation ceremony(YAY!!!), our suitcase project, switching classes for math(I am with my friends) and so so much more not to mention I am now top of the school but reading buddies SUCK we have 2nd grade(seriously) they are way to old to have reading buddies they can read themselves don’t get me wrong I love reading


    • krystalkat says:

      i always watch tv


    • krystalkat says:

      btw did any one friend me on webkinz?


    • Garden Girl says:

      I can do this very easily. The explantion: I do not have cable. I just won’t watch any of my DVDs and tapes. My favorite movies are Rio, Rango, The Princess and the Frog(Awesome Music), and Kung Fu Panda. I just can not wait for Kung Fu Panda 2 to come out. Hey everybody, what are your favorite movies?
      *Garden Girl*

    • Rarity + Spike = XP says:

      I LOVE MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!!! and guess my age? 14! yeah I rock. Just ’cause I’m a dude doesn’t I can’t watch it. I Rainbow Dash and Spike are awesome 8)

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