Cheesy Fingers

These ‘fingers’ may look gross but they taste great!

What you need:

-          Mozzarella cheese strings

-          Almonds

-          Red gel icing

-          An adult assistant

What you do:

1.       With the help of your assistant, cut cheese strings in half and then cut a slice just along the top end for the fingernail.

2.       Carve knuckles at the base and just below nail bed.

3.       Using red gel icing as glue press almond into nail bed.


Yucky but yummy!

14 Responses to Cheesy Fingers

  1. Halloweeniekinz says:

    These fingers are super creepy and look sooooo real. They are amazing, and kudos to the person who thought them up. Happy Halloween to all…………and to all, a frightful goodnight.

  2. Cinderpelt says:

    AHHHH!! Those look soooo real. Doodlebuggy, I agree ;) no need to be sorry!


  3. bridget97 says:

    wow first time i saw them they looked gross to me…

  4. dewdrop says:

    Sooooooooo Cool I was like puppyluver,why is there severed fingers on here lol,they are so realistic ,It says use cheese string,In Australia they are called Cheese Sticks and are cheddar cheese.If any Aussies thinking about making them.Happy Halloween to all my American Friends,we don’t really celebrate it in my country,although each year since 5 years ago it is becoming more popular :)

  5. Doodlebuggy says:

    Hi everybody! Sorry but I think these look disgusting!! :{ xoxo Doodlebuggy

  6. mangomonster says:

    It looks so realistic! =)

  7. GeorgeHarrisonRocks says:

    I LOVE THEM!!!! If anyone has played I Spy Spooky Mansion for the computer, does anyone remember the finger hook? I just totally thought of that!

  8. sarahandlacey says:

    LOL! They looks so real! :lol:

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