Cowabelle’s Sleepover







It’s Cowabelle. Roberta and I had the most awesome time at our sleepover. We painted our toenails green for spring and my mom let us borrow some of her old makeup to give each other makeovers. We made homemade pizza for dinner, and then we baked an apple pie. Which was totally fun (and delicious) but when my mom came into the kitchen and saw all the clouds of flour everywhere I thought she was going to freak. Luckily she just gave me one of her looks (why are teachers so good at those looks?) and I knew that Roberta and I would have to clean up before we watched our movie.

When the kitchen was clean and our pie was done, we watched a movie marathon, snuggled up on the floor in our sleeping bags eating pie! How fun is that?

When it was time to go to sleep, we could not stop giggling about how happy Sparky was about finding that 20 KinzCash last week. He really thinks that lucky stone is working!

But later on, when we were lying there in the dark in our sleeping bags, Roberta said she felt kind of bad about how we went on about the sleepover in front of Molly last week. I mean, it’s not Molly’s fault that Polly invited her to the Big City. And I guess if Polly could only invite one friend, then it’s fair enough that she chose Molly. We both admitted that we missed Molly and we’re really looking forward to her and Polly coming home.

23 Responses to Cowabelle’s Sleepover

  1. mary says:

    tell molly you hope she had fun. tell her you missed her on the sleepover

  2. Smarticles says:

    Well, if Polly could only invite one friend, that is a lot of pressure. I’m sure that she was worried that she might offend her other friends when she allowed Molly to come with her. When I have a sleepover, I invite my friends over, but we don’t normally watch movies or do the “girly” thing. Normally we hang out and play wii, read, eat, talk, play games, play with my siblings, or play on a DS. Sometimes we read Dr. Suess, but we read it funny so it is a different story. I wonder how late Cowabelle and Roberta stayed up until.


  3. jupiterismyhamster says:

    Whenever my friends and I have a sleepover, we watch british sci-fi shows and eat jammy dodgers. All night.

    *** I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool. ~The 11th Doctor ***

  4. FrancescosFriend says:

    Sounds like you guys had a great time! Hope things work out OK with Mollie, though. Anyway, Francesco brought this random thought up: how did Cowabelle paint HER toenails? Cows don’t have toenails! It’s just like Charles giving Plumpy an engagement bracelet since she doesn’t have fingers for a ring… maybe Cowabelle painted the tips of her hooves? I don’t know…. just a thought! :P

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    I`m happy you guys are looking forward to seeing your friends and that you feel bad about talking about the sleepover in front of Molly!!!!!!

  6. BeyBladeMASTER12 says:

    i’m glad you guys are forgiving molly & polly and
    seeing that polly can only invite one and it was molly, plus it’s fair it’s really polly”s choice, right?
    and plus you guys also and an AMAZING night!

  7. Kristen says:

    I kind of feel the same. im having a tough time back here. So many sicknessed has happened to be this winter. But Molly pig at least gets to go to cowable’s sleepover. HOOOORRRRRAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

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