Craft: Make a Fake Campfire!

Want that ‘campfire’ feel with a totally safe, not-hot and easy-to-make craft? You’ve come to the right place!


What you need:
Red, yellow and orange tissue paper squares


Three paper towel tubes

Brown paint

Craft glue


What you do:

1.       Cut each paper towel tube in half.

2.       Paint each paper towel tube brown. These are your ‘logs’.

3.       Leave your tubes to dry.

4.       Layer the tissue paper squares on top of each other. Put a drop of white glue in the middle of the bottom square and put another on top of it. Continue doing this until you’ve got a pile of tissue paper pieces. Let it dry.

5.       Scrunch the pieces up to make them look like fire.

Arrange your logs with the fire on top and prepare to roast a pretend marshmallow!

22 Responses to Craft: Make a Fake Campfire!

  1. PJ Collie says:

    I’m srry its just not the camp type ill have 2 cross it off my list forthe summer.Im’ so srry that it’s not campish but ill try it.

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