Crafty Critterz: Witch Costume

Submitted by: sop with sophie










What you need:

  • Wire
  • Black craft paper
  • Hot glue
  • Hole punch
  • Scissors

What you do:

Witch Hat

1.     Take one sheet of black craft paper and curve it into a cone shape. Glue it to a circle of paper.

2.     Punch a hole on both side and tie a wire through it.  Make sure one side of the wire is easy to untie.


3.     Cut black craft paper into a size that will fit your Webkinz.

4.     Punch out holes on each side of the cloak by the belly and chest.  Tie a wire through it. Make sure one side of the wire is easy to untie.

Do you have a great idea for a craft, recipe or party game? We’d love to hear them!

30 Responses to Crafty Critterz: Witch Costume

  1. ShibaQueen says:

    Nah. I have the witch costume but i lost the hat so i made another 1. I’d rather use fabric any ways.

  2. mangomonster says:

    I’m going to make this!

  3. Cinderpelt says:

    Sooo cute! When I saw the topic, I thought it would be like for online or something. This is cool how they showed us it!


  4. the critic says:


  5. PrincessLunaIsDaBomb says:

    WOW! SO CUTE! I love when people make costumes for Webkinz! I even made an entire wardrobe for my Webkinz plushies out of old socks! ( I’m trying to design a winter gown for my Snowflake Hamster, wish me luck)

  6. says:

    Wow! I am going to make it for all my webkinz!

  7. Una says:

    i will make it o all my webkinz webkinz zum and mazin hamsters

  8. unet101 says:

    OOH! How cute! My grandma can make one of those easily! (She’s a quilting champion) She’s real good at making clothing for dolls and whatever else!

  9. snowcares says:

    Ooo! :o That so cool!! :mrgreen: I like your pet’s name,Sophie! ;)

  10. Icewolf says:

    Awesome! You can take them trick or treating with you! I haven’t goten to tell you this but, welcome back Moonstar! *Peace, Love and Hope, Icewolf*

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