Dacey Bryn: Unavailable










Dear Diary,

I’m so upset! I don’t know what to do about Dacey. She never called me on the weekend, and she hasn’t returned any of my emails. I tried calling her cell phone tonight, but she didn’t answer. I left her a message, but I don’t really know what else to do. I’m worried that I’ve offended her somehow, or that maybe I haven’t been a good enough friend. I told Roberta, but she just said “Relax, Cowabelle. Dacey is probably just busy.”

I think Roberta is just mad because she doesn’t like the idea that I might have another really good friend.

I guess all I can do is wait, and hope that someday Dacey remembers to call me back.

-          Cowabelle

21 Responses to Dacey Bryn: Unavailable

  1. alicethecat says:

    I think that you didn’t offend Dacey in any way, she might just be busy. Do you think roberta knows something, because she sounds weird.

  2. manateecrazy says:

    I’m not so sure if she is really a good friend to have.. No matter what you should always TAKE time for a friend.. We all get busy but never too busy for a good friend:)

  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    I hope she does call you!!!!

  4. stargirl:) says:

    Don’t worry Cowabelle! I’m sure you’ve been a great friend…maybe someone gossiped behind your back that got Dacey offended…why don’t you give her a call and ask?:)

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    Relax. Stop calling. Stop emailing. If she calls, she calls. There is a saying, “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it is yours forever. If it does not, it was not meant to be.” It is hard to let someone go, but sometimes our journeys take us in unexpected directions. All will be well! And listen to your good friend, Roberta. Good luck!

  6. jupiterismyhamster says:

    Don’t worry, Cowabelle. It may seem like Dacey doesn’t care at the moment, but if she’s as good a freind as you say she is, she’ll call you back. There’s probably an explanation for it, so don’t jump to conclusions just yet!

  7. Herself the Elf says:

    I dont blame Roberta for seeming upset~ Cowabelle, how would U feel if your best friend was making a fuss over another friend? I would be kind of hurt, too. Let Roberta know that she is your bestest friend! :) :)

  8. chihuahualover says:

    Ouch! That’s really upseting! I really like your necklace!!!

  9. snuggles56100 says:


  10. gymdog says:

    Roberta wouldn’t think that. Just wait a while, she is most likely busy. When she calls back,or emails, just tell her wha you think. She will clear it up for you. A Great friend will :wink:

    • LemonCandy says:

      If Dacey is really your friend then she’ll call back, if she doesn’t then she was never really your friend. But don’t worry, i think she’ll call back, you just have to be patient. like Roberta said: she’s probably just busy!

      • sarahandlacey says:

        What did I tell you? I told you if she ever calls! These same things have happen to me before! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

        • claire6land says:

          Cowabelle, she just doesn’t have time, I’m sure when she has a little free time she’ll call you, and she’ll explain everything. And I’m sure she’ll be able to come visit you sometime this year! Or at least January first of next year!


          • Northwestern...settle down says:

            Dacey probably has a lot of acting roles that she’s busy with now, plus school

          • oldwooffie says:

            Yeah i was thinking two reason’s.
            1. “Dacey probably has a lot of acting roles that she’s busy with now, plus school” (That was Nortwestern’s idea, and also that you 2. DID offend Dacey, You were talking about how theycould meet up, if her mom wanted them to.

    • dawndrop16 says:

      Roberta’s probably right. Either that or something bad happened. I hope nothing bad happened. Just be patient, and I’m sure Dacey will call back. ~*Dawn*~

    • amchat says:

      Totally! GymDog is right! She’s probably just busy, and Roberta is a really nice friend she would NEVER think that.

    • girl+puppies=love says:

      Cowabelle, Roberta’s too nice to be mad at you. Dacey must be really busy, though!

    • rjmeow says:

      you are a great friend Dacey loves you

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