Daily Draw – April 19 Winners

Congratulations to Renee, Kimberly, Theresa, Lilac, Caterina, Leah, Jan, Steven, Miranda and Michele. They’ve each been sent a Feature Code for a Tabby Charm and can now search for charms in the Magic Mire!


Which Employment Office job was the most popular? The Hamburger Cook!


Check out Today’s Daily Draw!

25 Responses to Daily Draw – April 19 Winners

  1. Orange Starburst says:

    CONGRATS 2 THE WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite job is the Grocery Clerk job. *Your friend Orange Starburst,*

  2. ruchirock says:

    Great job everyone! Wish I’d won too! Congrats! I need a zum! Are they big? (the plush) Which should I get if I get one?

    • Theresa says:

      The zums aren’t that big. Smaller than most little kinz! They are all pretty much the same, so you should get the one you think is the cutest. :) They are a lot of fun.

  3. turtlegirl200 says:

    Great job guys!

  4. MDIChickadee says:

    Great prize (again)! Congrats to the winners! All the best! MDIChickadee

  5. Patty says:

    very nice that every one has a chance to win prizes!

  6. Leah says:

    I won!!!!!!!! I haven’t won anything before! Woo! Congratulations everyone else who won!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Crystal says:


  8. biarocks says:

    heyyy congrats 2 every1 who won.

    • Miny says:

      That Rocks to you all! enjoy! I Love Webkinz! LOL! I hope you have fun! uh, I just got a Webkinz newz account or the first so bare with me! thanks, Miny

  9. Dragonfish says:

    Congrats you guys! Enjoy your charms! (*(*dragonfish*)*)

  10. shalta321 says:

    Congrats to all!!

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