Designer Elephant Blog: Colors

Elwin and I have been debating what color we should paint our new rec room and that got us thinking about the effects you can create using color in your décor. Elwin is convinced that we should go with bold, dark tones for our space. He likes to throw elaborate parties for our friends and he feels that a deep scarlet or midnight blue would make a dramatic backdrop to his little soirees.

While I agree that WOULD make for exciting parties, I plan to use our rec room a lot and I wonder if such dark shades would feel too heavy for me to be around all the time. I plan to use the room for crafting and reading and if I had to sit in a dark room every day I think that would bring down my mood. I suggested that we go with a light color, like a pretty yellow. I think that would make me feel happy – like the sun was shining down on me.

I think Elwin and I will have to find some sort of compromise. Maybe we could use different shades of the same color to get the effect we’re both looking for. If we painted the walls a soft blue, but added furniture and accessories in a dark color that could give Elwin the drama he’s looking for and still let me feel like I’m in a more open space.

What do you think? Do you ever notice that the colors and tones around you have an effect on your mood?

159 Responses to Designer Elephant Blog: Colors

  1. mayura09 says:

    well you can do something like paint the walls dark colors like midnight blue and put in light pastel color designs like yell polka dots.

  2. peapeaprincess-thats my username add me! :D says:

    or u could go with a deep red with a vibrant white…Go Canada!!!:D

  3. #1gymnasticsfan says:

    I think you should paint the walls a pale yellow to make the room cheerful and more happy. But then to make Elwin happy add paintings on the wall that have dark colors like navy and black. Around the room add dark accents to make the room look party perfect!

    I have noticed how when i am in a room with lots of color it is harder for me to be sad then when i am in a room with lots of dark dreary colors.

    I hope my suggestion helps!!!!

  4. btrlover12 says:

    Yes, but you should try to make both of the colors come together! The pretty yellow Hailey wanted for the walls and the dark tones Elwin wanted for the floor! I think that it would look really cool! Maybe half of the room could be what Hailey wanted and the other side Elwin wants!

  5. Shelby says:

    I think black with a nice white trim at the top and bottom of the room would look very elegant. Black is sophisticated and modern. Not to mention chic.

  6. CuteCutiePie6 says:

    You guys (and girl!) should paint your room that suits YOU! like walls Hailey and floor Elwin! two of my pets share a room and it is so them! Like the walls are red and the floor is navy blue! and they decorated it THEIR way! lemme know what u guys think! Laugh Out Loud!

  7. samsykelly1154 says:

    I have a light pink room and it makes me feel comfy. And if i had a dark pink room like you i would not feel comfy like you!Why do you feel comfy in a dark room?

  8. puppyluvver says:

    how about tye-dye? but not too many colors, that could look awful.
    so how about red, orange, and yellow tye-dye?

  9. naima says:

    i bet its great

  10. peapeaprincess says:

    i think u should go with a zebra colour- like black and white its a mix of dark and light and is very fashionable or u could go with a vibrant white with deep, rich gold- dark and light and perfectly fashionable.

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