Designer Elephant Blog: Colors

Elwin and I have been debating what color we should paint our new rec room and that got us thinking about the effects you can create using color in your décor. Elwin is convinced that we should go with bold, dark tones for our space. He likes to throw elaborate parties for our friends and he feels that a deep scarlet or midnight blue would make a dramatic backdrop to his little soirees.

While I agree that WOULD make for exciting parties, I plan to use our rec room a lot and I wonder if such dark shades would feel too heavy for me to be around all the time. I plan to use the room for crafting and reading and if I had to sit in a dark room every day I think that would bring down my mood. I suggested that we go with a light color, like a pretty yellow. I think that would make me feel happy – like the sun was shining down on me.

I think Elwin and I will have to find some sort of compromise. Maybe we could use different shades of the same color to get the effect we’re both looking for. If we painted the walls a soft blue, but added furniture and accessories in a dark color that could give Elwin the drama he’s looking for and still let me feel like I’m in a more open space.

What do you think? Do you ever notice that the colors and tones around you have an effect on your mood?

159 Responses to Designer Elephant Blog: Colors

  1. Luxury Luxray says:

    I feel really confy sitting on a couch with dark colors around me, it makes me feel homey. Light colors make me feel alive and joyfull. But having a yellow room seem odd, and it’s dosen’t feel like the sun unless your back starts to get hot. Nothing beats the real thing.

  2. 4321UYT says:

    I think you should do a kid-of light kind-of dark red

  3. QueenVet says:

    It does! My walls are light blue and my room is very colorful. It makes me feel cheerful when I’m in my room! Plus, I’ve got an array of my framed drawings (I’m a pretty good artist, not to brag or whatever) and I like them, too. Then I’ve got a frame collage where there’s pictures and photos of stuff I like and my family and friends. My room is very cheerful and welcoming, and I LOVE it!

  4. AAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEOOOOOOOO1111111ssssssssttttttt says:

    when is GANZ going to update the webkinz tour map thingamajiggy??they better come to Kansas

    • Abigail for Aeropoatal says:

      You are SO right about the state thing. Kansas always get left out. It’s NOT fair. I’m yinyang09 add me

      • Rhoda says:

        I know, I’m from east Tennessee and I get left out, too. They need to be fair and go EVERYWHERE in the country so EVERYONE can go. That includes Hawaii, Alaska, and they need to go all the way to Canada, too. Be fair Ganz!

        • sunnysideup777 says:

          I’m in south carolina and the closest place is 5 hours away!

          • Webkinzgirl says:

            I’m in South Carolina too! It’s really unfair, Ganz. :(

            Add me! User: avm1234 :)

          • Rocktalon says:

            You guys are still more lucky than me! No one EVER comes to Maryland. EVER!!! Just cuz we are smaller than most states doesn’t mean we should get ignored!!! I mean really. Nothing special comes here, no one famous comes here, and people probably forget about us all the time!! -_-

        • Angela says:

          yah i’m so mad that they aren’t coming to canada!!!!! there ares so many webkinz fans here and its like they totally leave us out :(. we do exist ganz!!!!!!! its not really fair at all

      • oldwooffie says:

        What is Aeropoatal? r do you mean Aeropostle?!! I LOVE AERO (Aeropsotle.) I LoVe their sweats.
        My user is oldwooffie add me!

      • WebkinzBuddy says:

        What is the thing in Kansas?

  5. Meghan says:

    There idea is okay but unless they use the atlantis theme (blue and yellow) it probably will not turn out right. But I do think than bright or neon green and lilac or light purple would look happy and relaxing.It would also be very nice looking and give it an excited but calm and sophisticated

  6. Cheyenne says:

    Our kitchen is a sunny yellow and it always wakes me up when I eat my breakfast in the morning!

  7. yfgva says:

    do one wall light and the other dark

  8. eyddb says:


  9. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    I think you should use pale brown. ;)

  10. webkinzFan says:

    Color does play a major roll in your mood. I think you should do a zebra print of medium yellow and a medium to deep ocean blue. that would be cool yet relaxing with a twist of “dark” good for parties!

    • SoccerSquirrell says:

      Too much time in zebra stripes can drive you batty if not the right combo.

      How about solid walls, but long panels with colors on both sides – one light & one dark,
      then you could switch to whatever matched the situation.

    • MysticalMouse says:

      I think they should do/make a Night and Day wallpaper (to go with the estore theme) and for parties it turned dark blue, for Hailey’s time- yellow. Great idea!! i know!!

    • riclehan is my username add me plz says:

      how about a mood room it changes when your pet feeling different and it can have an good size square that says all the colors and what they mean

      • smithball says:

        I think that a mood color changing room theme would be an awesome idea. Or you could change the color when you’d like to with a click of a button!

      • alyssa1382 says:

        I think the mood room idea would be great but add a little slot thing on the wall that has an expression face of what your pet is feeling.

    • Elena says:

      Windows definitely help with letting light in. I think for a room that parties are to be held in, you should go with really bright contrasting things. with walls you can change colors (eg magenta floor and orange wall paint) and with furniture you can give everything a flowing but still contrasting feel. hope this helps!!!! <3 you hailey!!!

    • moonstream says:

      i think they should use a nice tropical light blue (for Haily) on two of the walls and a dramatic dark hot pink(for Elwin) on the other two.

    • HarryPotterNarwhals says:

      Ok this is pretty easy for me,
      Use dark walls and flooring, ok we have some of Elwin down.
      Next use the yellow rug in the center of the room, or somewhere else. Some of Haily.
      Now for the rest of Haily, Put a desk with a book or something like that, then put a window in front of it, it lets the sun in a little. Elwin, Put two black sitting items (doesn’t really matter) in the middle, so they kind of face each other. Example: Put one facing the right and one facing south. Put a side table in the area between the two seating areas. Ok either put the yellow rug from the kids theme (the new one) in either the middle of the room (in front of Elwin’s seating area) or under Haily’s desk. Use a sunshine clock maybe close to Haily’s desk. For the other corner of the room maybe put a small kitchen area or something else for Elwin’s party (only if its a big room.) I REALLY hope you put my idea into consideration, anyone else like this idea? Oh, Haily or Elwin, I SURE hope you comment back!!!!! :)
      ~ HarryPotterNarwhals :cool:

      • kriswendy says:

        nice idea they could have dark flooring and a light wallpaper though so then they both have it. Like a light blue color wall and a dark flooring.

    • sonny laughs a lot says:

      i think you can mix. In my house we mostly have yellow and brown. Why not try that. Maybe make some strips as well.

    • LumaLover says:


    • JORDAN says:

      u SHOULD paint each wall a diffrent shad of pink or blue or yellow or orange or green or any color u want its your room make it 1 of a kind.

    • aligirl648 says:

      i think the zebra is an amazing idea i mean you can never have toooo much zebra. i love zebra!!!!!!!! plus those r cool colors too i love the idea:):):):):):):)<3<3<3<3<3. be my friend my username is aligirl648 i already have 74 friends and i could always use another <3 aligirl648

    • Zebra says:

      i think they should make a bed that looks like a cell phone!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • samantha says:

      so right

    • maloree says:

      luv the elephants top!!!!

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