Designer Elephant Blog: Colors

Elwin and I have been debating what color we should paint our new rec room and that got us thinking about the effects you can create using color in your décor. Elwin is convinced that we should go with bold, dark tones for our space. He likes to throw elaborate parties for our friends and he feels that a deep scarlet or midnight blue would make a dramatic backdrop to his little soirees.

While I agree that WOULD make for exciting parties, I plan to use our rec room a lot and I wonder if such dark shades would feel too heavy for me to be around all the time. I plan to use the room for crafting and reading and if I had to sit in a dark room every day I think that would bring down my mood. I suggested that we go with a light color, like a pretty yellow. I think that would make me feel happy – like the sun was shining down on me.

I think Elwin and I will have to find some sort of compromise. Maybe we could use different shades of the same color to get the effect we’re both looking for. If we painted the walls a soft blue, but added furniture and accessories in a dark color that could give Elwin the drama he’s looking for and still let me feel like I’m in a more open space.

What do you think? Do you ever notice that the colors and tones around you have an effect on your mood?

159 Responses to Designer Elephant Blog: Colors

  1. Quity8 says:

    Light blue wall with points of different colors that glow in the dark!

  2. azskigirl says:

    LOVE!!!! P.S.(PINK)

  3. kynalyn says:

    i think its great i think we should blog it

  4. tammy says:

    i guess light blue would do. :)

  5. hannah says:

    i think that elwin and you should compromise it works

  6. birds2299 says:

    Well Im begging my mom to let me see the new movie Soul Surfer! A nd my mom needs to know is it worth the money? Just send me feed back!

  7. Morgan says:

    They never come to New Jersey. Just New York.

  8. 67lr says:

    The more smoothing and relaxing colors are the lighter shades. Pale green and light blue would probably look better if you are planning to do creativ art work in the room. You can use some of the more vibrant colors as accent pieces, like a pilllow or a small cabinet might do.

  9. georgia says:

    i think u should do a lime green with black polka dots that way you both kinda get your way!!!!!!!!!!!! i love webkinz

  10. taylor789 says:

    can you design a webkinz world house for me

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