Designer Elephant Blog: Colors

Elwin and I have been debating what color we should paint our new rec room and that got us thinking about the effects you can create using color in your décor. Elwin is convinced that we should go with bold, dark tones for our space. He likes to throw elaborate parties for our friends and he feels that a deep scarlet or midnight blue would make a dramatic backdrop to his little soirees.

While I agree that WOULD make for exciting parties, I plan to use our rec room a lot and I wonder if such dark shades would feel too heavy for me to be around all the time. I plan to use the room for crafting and reading and if I had to sit in a dark room every day I think that would bring down my mood. I suggested that we go with a light color, like a pretty yellow. I think that would make me feel happy – like the sun was shining down on me.

I think Elwin and I will have to find some sort of compromise. Maybe we could use different shades of the same color to get the effect we’re both looking for. If we painted the walls a soft blue, but added furniture and accessories in a dark color that could give Elwin the drama he’s looking for and still let me feel like I’m in a more open space.

What do you think? Do you ever notice that the colors and tones around you have an effect on your mood?

159 Responses to Designer Elephant Blog: Colors

  1. thepinkpegasus says:

    Since you like yellow and he likes bold colors you could use bold yellow or if you don’t like that idea you can do half and half! One half of the room what you like and the other half what he likes. If you don’t like either one of my suggestions then I can’t help you out!

  2. Worm45698 says:

    I think it does depend on your mood. But, if your in a happy, cheerful spirit, you might get in a sad,lonely spirit walking into a really dark room. I think you should try a medium red or yellow. Maybe you should try a light red and a dark yellow as a pattern. Then, you both get what you want. Red is darker than yellow so that is why I have yellow dark and red light.

  3. Anna says:

    well colors are a big part of your mood if your useually happy use springy bouncy colors if the opposite use the opposite. you are right with using different tones of the same color but it depends on how your mood useualy is.

  4. starmoom789231 says:

    What about dark blue panels on the bottom of the walls and then light blue or baby blue on the top (not in panels). Then the furniture can be a bright white or cream. That would be fantastic! Just don’t use yellow. I think yellow is just to bright.

  5. pop says:

    yes! if you put some vibrant colors like neon blue etc. and nature colors like green it will make you feel like you are in a party mood and like everything is under control and not so crowded. maybe you could put some plants in and other nature things + your fun stuff.
    p.s please become my friend, my username is poppykinzie

  6. rbfloat952 says:

    I think you guys should do. #1 Midnight Blue and Yellow swirly pattern. #2 Dark Blue and Light blue. #3

  7. colorCRAZED21 says:

    I totally LOVE your idea of “light and bright”! Dark is so gloomy! Plus, I think LOUD IS OUT! It would be great to go with your light colors, but whatever you think! Any thoughts?

  8. emster567 says:

    Well I think that when there’s bright colors mixed in 1 room it makes me want to jump around.

  9. hannahisadaddysgirl says:

    i love Light colors too. i love light pink it is so cool. ~hannahisadaddysgirl~

  10. Awesomeanity says:

    I think colors do affect your mood. Dark colors remind me more of Halloween, because that’s when it’s supposed to be sacry, but then again, they call for a nice dramatic party. Light colors remind me a lot of spring, and it’s only Spring a couple months of the year. So maybe if you did one wall a dark color and another a light color that coordinated well, it would look good. Like a deep blue or purple and a nice bright lime green. That would look pretty sweet. And the light wall could have dark patterens or designs on it while the dark canhave light patterns or designs on it. That would be awesome!

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