Designer Elephant Blog: Elwin’s Favorite Room

Hey Webkinz friends, it’s me – Elwin (Hailey’s twin brother)! Nice to meet ya and great to be here!
Hailey told me that you saw our studio yesterday, so today I thought I’d show you one of my other favorite rooms– namely, the recreation room. Oh, man! I love the rec room. It’s the best place to hang out and just play some games and chill. I usually do my homework there as well. It’s also a great place to try out new room designs – I can’t even remember how many times Hailey and I have repainted those walls (sorry mom and dad)!

Anyway, this is what it looks like these days:









I’m pretty proud of this room! I’ve got a great area for TV watching (the Secret Chef is a personal favorite of mine), a homework desk, a bookshelf full of books (mostly about design and art) and an area for listening to music (you would not believe how comfy those chairs are). I like the wall treatment we did – the wainscoting looks just awesome! You might also have noticed my Rocky Ray Jackson poster- while it’s not totally STYLISH, it is one of my favorite things – and it’s signed!



47 Responses to Designer Elephant Blog: Elwin’s Favorite Room

  1. mrs.chambers says:


  2. HamsterLover says:

    OH MAN!!! I wish I could redecorate like that! I wish I could… I know! I’ll go there right now and redecorate!!!
    YAY ME!!!!

  3. Shelby says:

    I don’t think the wizard bookshelf really goes all that great with the room. But its pretty cool, not too cluttered.

  4. tanners says:

    its cute somewhere i would want to relax at.
    add me as a friend please!!

  5. jadetay says:

    Hello Im A Member Of Webkinz
    And Send Me A F-R-I-E-N-D Request ?!
    And My Name Is JadeTay But Anyway Byeeee :P

  6. webkinz lover says:

    This room needs a big makeover. don’t you guys think.:)

  7. kriswendy says:

    Not the greatest room I have seen. I think that the y should redo it. I hope that they show more rooms. I like to see them. I think that I will make a rec room……… not sure………

  8. Awesomeanity says:

    It’s ok, but I thought they were gonna redo it and make it better with like eStore items or whatever. That room is not bad but it’s not too good either. I’ve seen way better, and I can’t believe they chose that one.

  9. DozerGirl says:

    eww… ick. Did NOT expect THAT can’t wait to see the next design

  10. Corrine says:

    it’s ok.

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