Dr. Quack’s Notes













Hmmm… I notice that Goober has called to set up an appointment tomorrow for his little brother, Booger. Goober states that Booger is feeling tired and lethargic. I wonder what it could be.

Note to self:

  1. Be sure to ask Booger about his diet

-          How many fruits and vegetables a day?

-          How much added sugar?

-          How much fat?

  1. Be sure to ask Booger about his physical activity

-          How much physical activity a day?

-          How many days a week does he get intense physical activity?

  1. Be sure to ask Booger about his personal habits

-          How many hours sleep a night?

-          How much time does he spend outdoors?

-          When does he brush his teeth?

-          Does he practice good personal hygiene?

-          Does he limit his time watching TV and using electronic devices?


Well, I’m sure Booger already knows all about the importance of taking care of oneself so I hope it’s nothing serious.

61 Responses to Dr. Quack’s Notes

  1. boogerbyebye says:

    Poor gober man you were so cool,you guys had your own games that is so neat

  2. ellenk5 says:

    I love my webkinz.

  3. jmcs1966 says:

    I am glad the Booger is going to see Dr. Quack if any one can fix him up it is Dr. Quack. Good luck Booger.

  4. Glimy says:

    *jaw drops*
    ABOUT TIME!!! Booger just makes me mad. I <3 Dr. Quack!


  5. poobearz says:

    Maybe instead of picking on Booger and ganging up on him they should help him change. Instead of trying to make him do things he doesn’t like and eat things he doesn’t like. Help him find new healthy things he enjoys. There are lots of video games that you have to be active to play and lots of healthy foods that don’t taste like healthy foods. He just needs someone to help him find what he likes. Everyone telling him he is bad for what he is doing is not going to work, not even if DR. Quack tells him, at least in real life it wouldn’t. In WW it might.

    Also they shouldn’t expect him to change totally overnight. How would you feel if someone said you have to change everything about yourself right now? You couldn’t do it. Changing your lifestyle takes time and patience, it doesn’t just happen because someone else wants it. I think everyone needs to be more understanding of Booger and others like him.

  6. funny rabbit says:

    Dr.Quack is the best doctor of Webkinz!:D :D :D

  7. naise3 says:

    Good, I am so happy Booger is going to see the doctor. Everyone should see their doctor when they aren’t feeling well.
    Booger will feel better soon. He just needs to change his bad habits. The human body is an amazing thing. It has the ability to restore itself when treated correctly. When Booger starts eating right and exercising he will notice a big change in how he feels and in his attitude towards life in general. I can’t wait until he figures this out. I bet he never goes back to his bad habits again.

    My sister use to spend her summers, laying on her back in front of the television eating chips. She would put on so much weight every summer. Funny thing was we had a swimming pool in our back yard at the time, go figure…. Anyway, now that she is older she gets up every morning at 5:00 am to walk on a treadmill. My, how times have changed. :)

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