Ella’s Big Summer








Hey friends! So remember how I was telling you about my end-of-year history project? It’s coming along really well…and by ‘coming along’; I mean ‘I’ve got a bunch of books from the library sitting next to my desk’. OK, so maybe I haven’t read them yet…but I’m going to! It’s just SO nice outside…and plus, I’ve got some stuff on my mind.

It’s PJ.

Remember how I told you we were planning a beginning-of-summer party? Well, that’s not going as well as I thought it would. Basically, we’ve been arguing about what kind of party to have – and who to invite. We have MOSTLY the same friends, but a few different ones (and we don’t ALL get along)…and I wanted to keep it small, but she wants it to be huge…so it’s turned into a bit of a drama. I’m hoping PJ will come to her senses and realize that the party would be better with fewer guests, and with more of my ideas. Sometimes having a best friend is tough, you know?

Got any advice, Webkinz friends? How do you handle it when you and your bestie disagree?

68 Responses to Ella’s Big Summer

  1. tigersrule99 says:

    I definitetly know how you feel. Best friends disagree a lot, but that’s okay because we all have different feelings about different things. No one’s the same and that’s okay! I’m sure PJ has a different view than you do but you guys should totally sit down and talk about the pros and cons of having more or less people. Maybe you guys can meet somewhere in the middle! Either way you guys are best friends and just remember that! Best of Luck!

  2. sixinone says:

    Invite everyone to your party but only have a sleepover with you best friends!

  3. Rose says says:

    There is something wrong with peek a newz! it says I’ve already done it!!! and i know I have not (today) it is doing that with the random kinz cash thing too!!!! I’m so mad!!!! you guys need to fix it and play it again!! (i am not lying I AM NOT LYING!!!)

  4. RedPanda says:

    Okay, first you need to sit down, and calmly discuss your reasons for having a small party. Maybe your mother thinks that big parties get to wild. PJ should also discuss her reasons for having a big party with you. Perhaps she thinks its more fun. Now maybe that she understands your reasons, maybe she’d rather have a small one. If not, why not poll your friends, on whether or not they’d like to have a Big or Small Party. And remember, you have to respect others’ and PJ’s wishes, and not think that yours is best. Remember, that while this may seem like a very BIG problem right now, its seriously nothing to lose your friendship you have together over! I really hope I helped. Tell PJ to look at this comment, please, so she can get advice to.

    Yours Truly,

  5. jcnas519 says:

    When I get into a fight with my best friend we always try to pick out the pros and cons of the situation after we cool off and get our opinions out.

  6. Laurenn says:

    How about you invite some friends from both of your lists, even if they don’t get along. If they don’t , reintroduce them to each other and tell them that one an other are really great people. Then the people who don’t get invited, invite to go do something fun with you, such as head to the Kinzstyle outlet and shop together! Always include doing something with everyone, so nobody feels bad.

  7. Megan says:

    We try to work it out. Like maybe you can have a medium amount of people come

  8. Emily says:

    This has actually happened to me before a few times

  9. Bestmathgirl says:

    Very rarely we disagree but when we do, we find a compromise that works for both of us.

  10. Laurenn says:

    If you want to be my friend, I host a party almost every week!! I try to invite everyone on my Friend’s list!! My username is aoryona. :-) :-D

    • aismack says:

      I would love to come! my username is aismack

      • Melesong says:

        I so want yo come! I am leisha5

        • Chattles says:

          Sounds like fun. I’d love to come. My username is pandamanioum.

          • Elphaba says:

            mine is ConstanceContraire!!! hey i would LOVE to be anyone’s friend. BTW i had a huge bday bash and it was SO much fun!! i may do somethin like that soon bc i have like 27,000 kinzcash or somethin like that!!

          • focus people says:

            focus guys, ella mcwoof needs our help.i suggest compromise. talk with pj and work it out. if that doesnt work, just throw seperate parties. it’s ok to do that, bff’s dont need to b together 24/7

          • cookie kookoo says:

            i think you guys should just compromise. have a slightly bigger party than you want but a smaller party than pj wants. whatever friends you guys dont get along with, dont invite. or if you guys really want to party with them, hav a party together and then afterwards you and pj split up and hav sleepovers. pj can invite whoever you dont get along with and you can invite whoever pj doesn’t get along with.

      • hjkfy says:

        me too, user:hjkfy

      • Kierules says:

        Hey! I would like to be your guy’s friend to! My name is Kierules, and just so you know that isn’t a vain name. Kie is not me, so I am not saying that I rule. I just think that the girl I know named Kie rules. Sorry for saying all that but sometimes I think people get the wrong impression from my name.

      • rubydoo234 says:

        I sure would love to come to a party! My username is ukiah2009

    • WHAT? says:

      sorry but, my friends and i never fight~~AEO1st

    • lisiec8 says:

      what i do if me and my friends argue like that is compromise! here are a few ideas:
      #1 have two parties!
      #2 you plan 1/2 of the party and PJ plan the other 1/2 and you decorate 1/2 of the party room like you wont, and PJ the other jest like she likes!
      #3 invite everyone to your party and have a sleepover with you best friends! that’s how you can have a big and a small party!

      • MrsSpongebob says:

        Yup at me and my friend’s end of the year sleepover i was assigned the tough job of getting candy :). It is going to be a long sugary laugh filled night.

      • OceanStar says:

        My Bestie and i never fight like that, but……
        I think Ella should talk to PJ and explain why she wants a party with few guests, and PJ should explain why she thinks lots of guests would be better. Then maybe, if they still don’t agree, they could compromise, like if maybe PJ wanted 25 people, and Ella wanted 5, the they could invite 10-15.
        Hope this helps!!

        • cookie kookoo says:

          my friends and i never fight, but we thought that since most friendships need at least one fight we would fight so we all just started yelling a lot at each other about nothing and then like a few minutes later we all started yelling sorry and hugging. it was very fun!

    • Moonstar says:

      Ok, here is what I suggest. Sit down and talk to her after giving each other some time to cool off. You don’t want to be really mad at each other because your opinions will come out stronger than inteded. Talk about inviting not a ton of people to make an after party or something really small like a casual get-together. Invite maybe 10 friends that you can both agree on. Don’t put anyone which you OR PJ will fight with, so if one of your friends isn’t ”cool” with PJ, don’t invite her/him. Think about decorations and put some of both your ideas in the planner. Don’t put something that will make the other person uncomftorable. Remember, you need to think from the point of view from the guests too. Get somethings that will say Hazzaz!!! Not: B-O-R-I-N-G!!!! You want some good ( but classy ) entertainment too, something that makes both of you happy. Remember:: Compromise!!!
      That is what my and my BFF do if we have an argument. We talk it out together in private untill the problem is gone. -Moonstar*

    • CatLizKT says:

      I think you guys should have a small party,because sometimes big parties can get out of control.

    • pinetoparizona349 says:

      hey Laurenn/aoryona, i am your friend pinetoparizona349 :lol: please invite me to youur party!

    • kopfs says:

      my name is kopfs. i would love to come. i was invited to only one party and the person was on the wrong color and so i never did get to see what it was all about. is it fun?

    • Becca says:

      I totally know how you feel Ella. Me and my bff don’t get along much either. So without getting in a huge fight I would talk to her about inviting about six of both of both of your friends and try to get along so it would’nt be a huge or small party. Please invite me because I only have 2 or 3 friends that talk to me and come to my parties. Username is beccakiara.

    • Tigerlily269 says:

      Sure. if everyones writing down their username then i gess i should to LexiChristine. i started when i was little so my mom made it for me. P.S. i always use the same name for comments just so you know.~ciao

    • hannah123444 says:

      Do you want a bunch of strangers on your friends list? People you dont even know?

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