Ella’s Interview with Meriwether – Part 2







Yesterday, I printed the first half of my interview with Meriwether St. Bernard. Today, I proudly present the conclusion!

E: So Nafaria wasn’t REALLY upset about the disappearance of her best friend?
M: No, not really. She said she wanted to find Alyssa, of course, but…let’s just say she didn’t lead the search parties. She stayed home and continued practicing her spells.  That was frowned upon by many of the fairies.
E: How did they find Alyssa?
M: It took awhile – three days, I think. At the end of the second day, they were very close to calling off the search and declaring Nafaria the queen – but Nafaria encouraged them to continue looking. Sure enough, on the third day, they found Alyssa. She wasn’t conscious, and she looked absolutely terrible. They weren’t sure she was going to make it.
E: How did they save her?
M: Nafaria did. She used a very strong spell to make Alyssa well – there was only one minor side effect – she stayed asleep for an entire year.
E: What?!
M: It’s true. And in that year, Nafaria was crowned Queen of the Good Fairies. She was a very strict queen – and many were afraid of her. Her powers were unlike anything anyone had seen before.
E: What happened when Alyssa woke up?
M: That was when things got very, very interesting. I don’t actually think Nafaria knew how long Alyssa would remain asleep. What I do know is that she was SHOCKED to see Alyssa arrive at her castle. And that’s when the fight happened. Alyssa flew in, shouting that Nafaria had no right to be queen – that she was bad, through and through.
E: What did she mean by that?
M: Well, the elder fairy council sat down with Alyssa and she told them her story – according to her, Nafaria and she had been practicing their spells. Nafaria had said “Look at this!” and Alyssa was knocked to the ground. She couldn’t move; she was in so much pain. She begged Nafaria to help her, but Nafaria just flew off, leaving Alyssa to fall into unconsciousness.
E: Nafaria tried to  –
M: Well, don’t jump to any conclusions yet. When Nafaria was brought in front of the council, she admitted to hitting Alyssa with a spell – by accident. And when she saw how hurt Alyssa was, she said she panicked. She knew the rescuers would find her, and she spent those days researching spells that would help save her friend when she was brought back.
E: That sounds a little hard to believe.
M: Remember: they were BEST friends. Wouldn’t you feel bad if you hurt PJ? Mightn’t you panic?
E: Well…this isn’t about us! It’s about Alyssa and Nafaria. What happened next?
M: Alyssa (and the fairy council) had a hard time believing Nafaria’s story. Alyssa called Nafaria the ‘worst fairy in Webkinz World’ and demanded that she be removed as queen. Nafaria said that Alyssa was making stuff up; because it was the only way she’d ever get near the throne.  They had a gigantic argument that resulted in both fairies yelling and screaming at each other. The fairy council had a vote, and it turns out that most fairies believed Alyssa. Nafaria was dethroned and Alyssa was made the fairy queen.
E: I bet Nafaria wasn’t very happy.
M: Not in the least. When Nafaria left the castle, she zapped Alyssa as she walked past. Alyssa exploded in anger, and told Nafaria that she never wanted to see her again, and that they were officially enemies. Nafaria vanished to the dark side of the Magical Forest, and Alyssa led the good fairies. And that’s how it’s been, all these years.
E: Wow. Who do you think was telling the truth?
M: As I said before, only two really know what happened – Nafaria and Alyssa. I suggest you speak with them, dear.

46 Responses to Ella’s Interview with Meriwether – Part 2

  1. Snow Cone Lover says:

    Hi peeps it’s me Snow Cone Lover I m going to take a break today because i am kind of sick :(
    But look for me tomorrow on the minor posts in the morning.

  2. Pinky says:


  3. DimondDIVA says:

    Oh i almost forgot Nafaria is totaly right she should have been queen they need strict people in charge
    BTW , Nafaria is my fav WW character im totaly into black-magic stuff

  4. dirdenjan says:

    Omg now i am so stressed out i could scream. Well i actually did. Lets face the truth.

  5. swimilyj1 says:

    I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. luka says:

    i want meriweathers necklace ella were did she get it

  7. cool says:

    That is an awesome story! I hope the next part comes soon!

  8. yellojello says:

    Wow, so much drama! I don’t understand what can possibly be so interesting about really dramatic things…. Almost everything on TV nowadays is drama, drama, drama. I think when friends fight they should view things from an unemotional viewpoint and try to place themselves in the other’s shoes. Compromise is usually helpful.

  9. Cookie kookoo © says:

    cool! this is a little dark for webkinz though, i bet they will tell ella to become friends again with p.j. because, well, lets face it. every single one of these types of stories end in a happily ever after kind of ending.

  10. tigerbear13 says:

    Awwwww! That’s soo cute!

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