Ella Interviews Alyssa








The big day is here and it’s time to interview Alyssa, Queen of the Good Fairies. I’m a bit nervous, friends!

E: Hello, Alyssa. Thank you so much for agreeing to be interviewed. I’d like to talk to you about the history of the fairies.
A: Oh, great. I’ve got lots to tell you! The fairies have a very rich and interesting history dating back over –
E: Sorry to interrupt, maybe I’ll be a bit more specific. I’m interested in the splitting of the good and bad fairies.
A: Oh.
E: Um. So…could you tell me how that happened?
A: It’s a story of betrayal. Of anger. Of pain. It’s not a story I like to tell, Ella.
E: Could you make a tiny exception?
A: I’m sure you’ve heard it all – Nafaria trying to mortally wound me, leaving me and flying home to become queen – I’m sure you know it well.
E: I know what everyone else knows – but what I DON’T know is what really happened when the two of you were alone in the forest, practicing your spells.
A: She zapped me. She said “Look at this!” and then zapped me with some ridiculously strong spell.
E: Do you think she did it on purpose?
A: She flew off afterward. What do you think?
E: Rumor has it that she flew off because she was scared.
A: She didn’t look too scared to me. Maybe shocked – but not really scared.
E: She saved you when you got back, though.
A: She didn’t help search for me! She made me sleep for an entire year! Long enough to become the queen! You don’t think that was a coincidence, do you?
E: I guess not. But why do you think she threw your friendship away?
A: For fame. For glory. For power. It’s funny what some fairies will do to be in charge. I wasn’t important enough – the only thing that mattered was being the queen.
E: Are you still angry at Nafaria?
A: I’m not really angry anymore – I just avoid Nafaria as much as I can. She’s bad news.
E: Do you ever miss her?
A: That’s a hard question to answer. I miss the Nafaria I knew when we were young. I don’t miss the fairy she is today.
E: Thank you for the interview, Alyssa.
A: You’re welcome.

38 Responses to Ella Interviews Alyssa

  1. Cookie2.0 says:

    Why that it is try that it happened already, there’s a chance some of the secrets haven’t been revealed.
    there is a chance that DID happen, but hasn’t been revealed by anybody, Since there are no eye witnesses of the event so far, we don’t know.

  2. JUSTINBIEBE says:

    Nice going Alyssa.

  3. EllySilverStar says:

    I will not make a decision on this until I’ve heard Nafaria’s side of the story, because Alyssa gave me no new information. This is certainly a confusing and sad mystery! I just hope at the end of the month they make up, and they both go back to the way they were before. I still think Nafaria has locked herself in a hard, cruel shell, though, and Alyssa is just shutting her out. But I think it’s time for them to meet again and talk. ~*~EllySilverStar~*~

  4. jalexis says:

    do they not know the Nafaria is probably so jealous of Alyssa that is why she is so cruel to her

  5. Glimy says:

    I`m so exited for the interview with Nafaria!!!
    (chews on my fingernails )

  6. Anonoymus says:

    I may sound funny, but I feel sorry for Nafaria. I don’t think she meant to hurt Alyssa

  7. PebblesSmokeyRules says:

    I can’t wait to see Ella interview Nafaria! Then we can see the other side of the story!

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