Ella Interviews Alyssa








The big day is here and it’s time to interview Alyssa, Queen of the Good Fairies. I’m a bit nervous, friends!

E: Hello, Alyssa. Thank you so much for agreeing to be interviewed. I’d like to talk to you about the history of the fairies.
A: Oh, great. I’ve got lots to tell you! The fairies have a very rich and interesting history dating back over –
E: Sorry to interrupt, maybe I’ll be a bit more specific. I’m interested in the splitting of the good and bad fairies.
A: Oh.
E: Um. So…could you tell me how that happened?
A: It’s a story of betrayal. Of anger. Of pain. It’s not a story I like to tell, Ella.
E: Could you make a tiny exception?
A: I’m sure you’ve heard it all – Nafaria trying to mortally wound me, leaving me and flying home to become queen – I’m sure you know it well.
E: I know what everyone else knows – but what I DON’T know is what really happened when the two of you were alone in the forest, practicing your spells.
A: She zapped me. She said “Look at this!” and then zapped me with some ridiculously strong spell.
E: Do you think she did it on purpose?
A: She flew off afterward. What do you think?
E: Rumor has it that she flew off because she was scared.
A: She didn’t look too scared to me. Maybe shocked – but not really scared.
E: She saved you when you got back, though.
A: She didn’t help search for me! She made me sleep for an entire year! Long enough to become the queen! You don’t think that was a coincidence, do you?
E: I guess not. But why do you think she threw your friendship away?
A: For fame. For glory. For power. It’s funny what some fairies will do to be in charge. I wasn’t important enough – the only thing that mattered was being the queen.
E: Are you still angry at Nafaria?
A: I’m not really angry anymore – I just avoid Nafaria as much as I can. She’s bad news.
E: Do you ever miss her?
A: That’s a hard question to answer. I miss the Nafaria I knew when we were young. I don’t miss the fairy she is today.
E: Thank you for the interview, Alyssa.
A: You’re welcome.

38 Responses to Ella Interviews Alyssa

  1. wwnwebkinznewz says:

    You should interview Nafaria next!

  2. luvme4areason says:

    I don’t like these kind of stories. They’re waaaay to predictable! What if something suprising happened, like what if Nafaria & Alyssa were really never bff’s. What if, not Nafaria, but Alyssa was going behind Nafaria’s back by having a different bff, & it’s not even a fairy! That I would enjoy reading. But I guess they can’t change the story if it already hapened.

  3. Hmmm... says:

    I think there is more behind this…

  4. Kristen says:

    I wish they could be friends again, that would be nice

  5. WebkinzWizard :) says:

    This is an interesting month long story, I really like it. I’ve always wanted to learn more about the fairies. :)

  6. Moonstar says:

    I love fairies. They are my best friends. One of them even has a pink unicorn. I rode it to school once. Today is my 7th birthday. Yay!-Moonstar*

  7. Dewstep says:

    Wow Alyssa got angry at Ella….It sounds like Nafaria did it on accident…If she looked shocked and helped save her when she came back maybe she wanted to help look for her but they said no…. Maybe Alyssa is mad at her for no reason!!!!! I am on Nafaria’s side…

  8. chickennoodlesoup says:


  9. :) says:

    Interesting. I dunno, that interview doesn’t seem to relay any new information, other than how Alyssa feels about the whole thing. I wonder what Nafaria will say if Ella interviews her. Her interview will be more exciting, I think. :)

  10. Hi says:

    Wow, this is like 1 of my best friends

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