Hey everyone! OK, so I TRIED to schedule an interview with Alyssa and Nafaria…but they weren’t able to meet today. I’m going to interview them soon, though! Today’s interview is with a good fairy – but she prefers to remain anonymous.
E: Thanks for allowing me to interview you, Anonymous Good Fairy.
AGF: No problem. Just don’t tell Alyssa I’m here! I’d be in SO much trouble.
E: Mum’s the word. Alright, so let’s get right to it: what was it like when Nafaria and Alyssa had their gigantic fight?
AGF: Awful. The rest of the fairies were so worried. Nafaria had been our queen for an entire year – and she had done a good job, truthfully. Sure, some were afraid of her…but the rest of us really respected her abilities and powers.
E: What did you think when Alyssa woke up?
AGF: Well, obviously we were happy. And full of questions. We were kind of shocked when Alyssa accused Nafaria of purposely hurting her. I mean, Nafaria WANTED the throne…but I don’t know if she would’ve stooped to such a level. But then, it’s possible.
E: Don’t you think it’s weird that Nafaria didn’t help Alyssa right after the accident?
AGF: Yes, of course. Everyone thought that very same thing. She should’ve brought Alyssa back…or called for help. Nafaria said she panicked and she knew it would look bad if people found out what really happened. I think that when she healed Alyssa, she meant to keep her alive but asleep forever.
E: You don’t think she wanted her to wake up?
AGF: Honestly? No.
E: So it sounds like all the fairies sided with Alyssa.
AGF: Pretty much. And those that didn’t, followed Nafaria into the dark side of the forest. She became their queen.
E: Was anyone divided between the two?
AGF: Lots of us! We were devoted to Nafaria, but if Alyssa’s accusations were true – we couldn’t possibly take Nafaria’s side.
E: Since all this happened, Nafaria has honed her evil powers – don’t you think that indicates what kind of fairy she really is?
AGF: I think that anyone can be pushed to be a certain way. I’m not sure Nafaria was always like that; but she definitely isn’t nice now.
E: Thanks for the interview – I really appreciate it.
AGF: Not a problem.
This is random, but I think it would be cool if there was a treasure hunt contest for an Estore pet as the prize. Like the CandyKinz Snail or the Fennec Fox. Or a clicky floaty promotion for face stickers for your pet. This is just a suggestion.
this would be cool!
Sorry I was not trying to copy you. I just read finemilkchocolate28′s comment and then just posted mine. I did not read yours till after I had posted mine. I am not trying to copy you, promise.
That would be cool!
my friend loves beavers! :lol:
can someone please tell me where to go for the 4th clue in the treasure hunt? please!
You go under Kinzapedia and then you click the button on the tab that says characters and there is where to go for the 4th clue in the treasure hunt. I hope this helps. :)
Hmmm, interesting. I can’t wait until Ella interviews Alyssa and Nafaria! I also hope that Ella and PJ can become friends again. Hey you know how PJ’s full name is Pollie-Jean Collie? Well Molly’s BFF’s name is Polly too! Funny, huh?
Me too.
I love reading Ella’s interviews!
Whats the point of this
Interesting story… Nafaria really stooped down to a ‘bad’ level. Lots of lessons can ba taught from Nafaria and Alyssa, and PJ and Ella.
HEY PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!
i am changing my name from AEO1st to ummmm…….what should i change it to? i need to change it cuz it keeps saying im posting comments to quickly
Candy Fire or Septembear Gal. If you make it Septembear Gal friend me icarlygirl244
thats a cute one! septemBEAR Gal is cute….yes, that will be a perfect possibility! THANKS!
Any time :)
The interview is very interesting ;) LillyLuvie* :)
Hey November Gal:)
@Nicky G
~Novembear Gal :)
Oooh! I bet it is Maddie, I think that is her name. I think she is the one in Tulip Trouble 2. -Moonstar○○○
Hmm… It might be Maddie… She’s the only other famous fairy i can think of.♥♥♥♥Starlight
☆hmm… maybe! you never know… cute interview though.☆
-Redstar♪♪♪lol on my 3DS! :)
If someone is looking for good books to read,look no farther! Just ask for Red-wall Reader on the top of new posts and i will get to you as soon as possible! Thanks! Also,tell me if you like animal books or people books,and then say fantasy, fiction,nonfiction,etc. Also,I only do this for 12 year old and up,or 9 year old.
I love webkinz I just got the ribbon loin!
Hey Redwall I don’t think it is fair to the little kids that you have an age limit for some people why 12 year olds and 9 year olds why not do 9 – 12 year olds? Well I’m open for any questions no matter WHAT age you are.
Sorry.I figured people might not like the books i red if they are not the same age as me. ANYBODY CAN ASK NOW!