Ella Interviews Andy McWoof









Hey everyone! Ella here with a familiar face…familiar to me, anyway! It’s my dad, Andy McWoof! He’s the editor of the Webkinz Newz, and I definitely wanted to include him in my month of interviews.


Ella: Hi, Dad! Thanks for joining us!

Andy McWoof: I’m glad to be here, dear. Everyone is really enjoying your month of interviews and I didn’t want to be left out of the fun!

EM: Well, my first question is about how you managed to become the editor of the Webkinz Newz. I know the story, obviously, but none of our readers do. Care to fill them in?

AM: Oh, you know I love to tell that story. It all started back when I was just a little pup in elementary school. I had a knack for writing and finding stories everywhere. In fact, when I was only seven, I started my own newspaper. I gave it out to my friends for free, but they were impressed. And so were my parents. They told me I had a bright future in writing or reporting. They were very encouraging.

EM: When did you get your first real job for a newspaper?

AM: Well, I worked on my high school’s paper as the editor, and then again in university. I took a degree in journalism, and when I graduated I found a job right away. I worked sweeping floors at the local paper. But I worked my way up, and soon I was a reporter.

EM: What was your most interesting assignment?

AM: Wow, that’s a tough question! You’re getting to be just like your old dad! The most interesting assignment I ever had was probably venturing into the Distant Zingdom to interview the Singoz. That was extremely hard to do. I had to find a Singoz who would trust me enough to let me into their world; then I had to find Singoz who would talk to me. It wasn’t easy, but it was rewarding.

EM: What do you like best about being the editor for Webkinz Newz?

AM: Oh, our readers. They’re wonderful. They give us feedback and I’m always happy to hear what they have to say. In fact, I’d love to know what they’d like to see more of in the Newz. Leave your comments below, readers!

EM: What advice would you have for someone who wants to be a reporter or editor?

AM: Be curious. Ask questions. Write, write, write. And be persistent.

EM: OK, are you ready for five fast questions, Dad?

AM: You bet!

EM:  Favorite food?

AM: Oh, I love this really wonderful stew that the Azure Zingoz make. I had it once, about 20 years ago, and I’ve been craving it ever since.

EM: Favorite color?

AM: Brown.

EM: Favorite family member?

AM: You, my dear. Of course.

EM:  Favorite place to vacation?

AM: I’m happy just about anywhere; everywhere is an adventure, and I’m never bored, no matter where I go.

EM: If you had a million KinzCash, you would:

AM: Treat my dear daughter to whatever her heart desires!

EM: Aw, Dad! Thank you! And readers, remember: my dad wants to know what you want to see more of in the Webkinz Newz, so leave your comments below!

33 Responses to Ella Interviews Andy McWoof

  1. Kitty says:

    What a great interview! I would love to see more character stories on Webkinz Newz. I would also like more writing contests!

  2. KitKat says:

    That’s so sweet…Andy obviously loves Ella a lot…

  3. Josefina9 says:

    Cool! I’m a writer too! Except I want to be an author.

  4. snowcares says:

    I’d like to see more click-to-win contests! B)

  5. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    Ella interviewed her dad! That is so cool! I did not know that Andy Mcwoof was her dad! I learded something new today! >>cathouse2

  6. katiekat says:

    How lovely to interveiw your dad I enjoy this interveiw

  7. jennifer says:

    What would we girls do without our dads. jennifer

  8. Fluffinstuff says:

    Thanks, Ella & Andy! I think it’s great that you’re asking what your readers would like to see on the Newz! I love what you’re reporting already, especially the stories about all the characters & all the fun promotions. Peek-a-Newz is my favorite thing. If I could make one request, it would be for you to follow all your stories thru to their conclusions. Too often we are left wondering what happened in the end, I read fans’ comments about this fact all the time. Thanks, guys!

  9. Lapras619 says:

    Awwww, that’s so nice that u got 2 interview yr dad Ella! Enjoy it while it lasts! *Lapras619*

    • Lapras619 says:

      Hmmmmm…It would be cool if u interviewed webkinz that haven’t been released yet and u could ask what they’re feeling and thinking. Luv yr lapras! *Lapras619*

  10. morningshine says:

    cool interview ella is this your last one?~be bright morningshine

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