Elwin Auditions








Hi readers! It’s me, Hailey. My brother Elwin and I have been pretty busy lately, giving the Henrietta Hippo Theater an overhaul in preparation for hosting the popular contest, Kinzville Sings! The thing is, not many people know that Elwin is a really good singer. My mom and dad and I would always hear him singing when he was in the shower, and I don’t even know if he knows it but he often sings to himself while he’s working on blueprints at the office. While we were in the theater working the other day, I could see that he was really distracted, watching some of the auditions and I thought to myself, ‘he’s just as good as anyone up on that stage. He should audition.’ I mean, I know he’s not going to win or anything, but it would be fun to get on the show, right? When I suggested it to him, he just laughed and said no, but I told him to think about it and the next day he told me that he’d decided to do it. And do you know what? He got up there and he was awesome! I think the judges were really impressed and he might even get through to the finals. I knew he’d have a blast! It makes a fun change from decorating for a week or two.


Stage an audition of your very own with the Webkinz Rockerz!

48 Responses to Elwin Auditions

  1. TheDawnTreader says:

    you go, Starburst! El-win! El-win! El-win! El-win! El-win! i bet Elwin Will-win! :D! go Elwin! `”TDT”`

  2. Flip Flop Fanatic says:

    I really hope Elwin wins! YAY Elwin! Singing in the shower isn’t bad it actually improves your singing!

  3. j3gnight2011 says:

    Good job elwin! I did not know that you could sing! >>j3gnight2011<<

  4. sarabeth says:

    Rock on Elwin!!! ;)

  5. ~* $ilverWolf *~ says:

    i’ m a good singer, but i don’t always like singing near people, but sometimes i do.

    • starrynight says:

      You’re right. Sometimes I sing in the car, when my mom leaves me in there to go grab something or whatever. Once, my friend had to get out of her car and tie her hair into a ponytail, and I began singing SOFTLY. Sometimes I even yell whenever I’m in the car, and when I turned around, she was there watching me!!! :( She got in and said nice singing BTW. That comment made me REALLY nervous……

  6. philly cheesestake says:

    i wish i could be up there. i can sing very well and i know about one hundred songs. good luck elwin, and let the best singer win!!! ^_^

  7. FashionLeopard says:

    Awesome, Elwin!!

  8. Skiddly says:

    I’m just like you, Northwestern. I’m SO shy when I try to sing. Nobody EVER has heard me sing. I don’t even know if I’m good or not.

  9. lovepuppygirl says:

    I sing in the shower too Elwin!!!!!!!

  10. WebkinzEmily says:

    Congratulations Elwin! Good luck!

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