Famous Adventurer: Captain Patches











You’ll never believe who I’m talking with today, ‘Kinz pals! It’s none other than Webkinz World’s oldest (and arguably bravest) pirate – Captain Patches!

CP: Ah, Ella. ‘Tis good to be back on dry land for a spell. Sometimes me sea legs get tired.

EM: Have you been traveling a lot lately?

CP: Aye! I’ve been sailing the seven seas of Webkinz world – all in search of the one thing that I’ve never been able to find. Argh!

EM: What’s that?

CP: Treasure, my dear Ella! Treasure!

EM: But you’ve found lots of treasure before.

CP: Aye…but nay! Not like this – the treasure I be searching for is…splendid…it brings tears to me old eyes! There be gold, crowns, coins – and jewels. Jewels that Doug the Dog would give his left ear for!

EM: So…pretty impressive, then?

CP: Aye. But fortune has not been smiling on me crew – all we’ve found so far is sand…rocks…and seashells.

EM: Hm. That’s too bad.

CP: Aye! ‘Tis! But methinks the treasure is close now – that’s why we take to the ship tomorrow, crack of dawn!

EM: Do you like being a pirate, Captain Patches?

CP: Aye! ‘Tis the best job in the world!

EM: What kind of traits would you say are necessary to be a good pirate?

CP: A good question! One needs to be brave and strong. And clever. A pirate has to think on his feet – or his peg leg!

EM: What do you think of Dogbeard?

CP: Aye, a fine pirate be Dogbeard! He be young, but quite determined. Aye, he be a talented pirate.

EM: Well, thank you so much for coming in today, Captain Patches.

CP: I didn’t even get to tell ye about my adventures! Have I ever told you the one about the giant squid?

EM: Uh, I think our time is up, but…

CP: It be a dark and stormy night…no moon, that night…and there be a squid…a GIANT squid…

10 Responses to Famous Adventurer: Captain Patches

  1. ggvkfjvhjyj says:

    That was boring

  2. camcam101 says:


    -camcam101 SNAP!☼

  3. Glimy says:

    Haha, the last part was hilarious
    I`m a little confused. Who`s Captain Patches??? I seem to have forgotten completely.

    • seaweed says:

      I don’t know who captain patches is either. I’ll have to go check on kinzapedia. “Uh, I think our time is up… It be a dark and stormy night, no moon that night, and there be a GIANT squid”
      :mrgreen: SEAWEED :mrgreen:

  4. sparklegirlLT says:

    I want to here about the GIANT squid! Good luck finding your treasure! :D

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