Farewell to a Favorite Friend!

This just in from Webkinz World Headquarters: everyone’s favorite Adoption Center host, Ms. Birdy, shared some unexpected news this morning. “I’m retiring,” she said from her desk. “I really need some time to myself. I’m going to go on a VERY long vacation and sit by the beach drinking lemonade and reading books about other places I can visit. Ah, it’s going to be wonderful!”

Everyone in Webkinz World is truly shocked. Before the press left the Adoption Center, Ms. Birdy had one more thing to add – April Fool’s!

479 Responses to Farewell to a Favorite Friend!

  1. Kacey564 says:

    Miss birdie is alrightt. i still wish she left. :o

  2. iamsam says:

    LOL… shocked me!! You got me good!!1

  3. Kacey564 says:


  4. Beatlesfan says:

    I was going to say: “MS,BIRDY DON’T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and then i saw it was a joke! I was relived (I don’t know if I spelled that right) that she diden’t go! Way to go guys!

  5. Kacey564 says:

    ms.birdy is acuttally LEAVING!!!! OMG ITS NT A JOKE GET OVR IT ALREADY!!!!! :o

  6. Kacey564 says:

    reply if u dont like ms.birdie that much either.

  7. Kacey564 says:

    i really dont like ms. birdy either she kinnda weird.:-)

  8. reyna says:

    By the way I am moving I am not going to go on webkinz any more. I do not know when Iam leaving any way…………………………………………………………………………….APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!

  9. 12345 says:

    NO! I wish Ms. Birdy really did leave!

  10. reyna says:

    I can not find out why she would retire.Would she miss all of that fun work and cute webkinz?I was also wondering if she would really do that to all of her fans.

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