Farewell to a Favorite Friend!

This just in from Webkinz World Headquarters: everyone’s favorite Adoption Center host, Ms. Birdy, shared some unexpected news this morning. “I’m retiring,” she said from her desk. “I really need some time to myself. I’m going to go on a VERY long vacation and sit by the beach drinking lemonade and reading books about other places I can visit. Ah, it’s going to be wonderful!”

Everyone in Webkinz World is truly shocked. Before the press left the Adoption Center, Ms. Birdy had one more thing to add – April Fool’s!

479 Responses to Farewell to a Favorite Friend!

  1. AllyMarie4 says:

    That`s to bad. I liket Mrs birdy

  2. ladybug529 says:

    omg that scared me! Ms.birdy is the best.

  3. ilovewebkinz says:

    Ok that was just plain MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!who agrees Say i!

  4. monalu says:

    I KNEW it was April Fools because it said it right before i clicked on it!

  5. jade50000 says:

    Hahahah that scarde me! but it was so funny great april fools trick webkinz!

  6. kh1624 says:

    wow,mrs.bidie retiering? i thought maybe so but she is always nice i would miss her. And when it sayed april fooles i laughted

  7. kittypoo says:

    Ms.Birdy that was a good April fools trick..you really got me nervous and fooled! Haha! :DThe Adoption Center wouldn’t be the same without you..you’re geat Ms.Emily Birdy! :D

    ~I love all my Webkinz, Mazin’ Hamsters, and Zumbuddy so much and I will forever no matter what!!~

  8. sydnirella says:

    that scared me silly!

  9. snowshiloh says:

    lol she got me i was scared at first! i love ms birdy so much i’d hate it if she left! :D

  10. SciFiBeatlesGleek says:

    Lol you seriously scared me for a minute there Ms. Birdy! Your really good with pranks :)

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