Farewell to a Favorite Friend!

This just in from Webkinz World Headquarters: everyone’s favorite Adoption Center host, Ms. Birdy, shared some unexpected news this morning. “I’m retiring,” she said from her desk. “I really need some time to myself. I’m going to go on a VERY long vacation and sit by the beach drinking lemonade and reading books about other places I can visit. Ah, it’s going to be wonderful!”

Everyone in Webkinz World is truly shocked. Before the press left the Adoption Center, Ms. Birdy had one more thing to add – April Fool’s!

479 Responses to Farewell to a Favorite Friend!

  1. Madison says:

    OMG I started crying. She was here from the start! Webkinz would not be the same without Ms.Birdy! Then I read “April Fools” and My heart skipped a beat and I was so relieved!

  2. chewchew077 says:

    BY the way i love your glasses mrs.birdy!!!

  3. homekid8 says:

    Awww bye Mrs. Birdy. :( U were the best

  4. chewchew077 says:

    I WAS SO……….not scared!!!
    April FOOLS!!!! i forgot it was april fools this morning and i was scared that ment we could not adopt any more webkinz because my favorite charactor mrs.birdy was gone!!!! Happy april fools everyone:O)

  5. tagalong says:

    Ok? That was so funny I forgot to laugh. Lame as saying your shoe is untied!

  6. Star says:

    I got freaked out XD

  7. cvasko says:

    WOW!! the joke is on me….forgot it was April Fool’s day….Glad it isn’t true…

  8. Confused says:

    Wait if Mrs. Birdy retires who will take over on the adoption center. Well this may be good-bye to an old friend, it might also be hello to a new one.

  9. chicksrule13 says:

    :o OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! That scared me soooo bad!!! Ms. Birdy is my favorite webkinz world character! :mrgreen:

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